How do you elicit high-quality information from information sources that are subject to deletion, distortion and generalization? According to Jim Arlow, the answer is generative analysis, which is a new approach to learning object oriented analysis that teaches you how to deal with these and other real-world human issues of software engineering. Also, Mike Kelly examines a recent testing experience that should have worked: plenty of scripted test cases, plenty of time developing and testing the scripts. So what went wrong? Plenty.
OO is like trying to build arches when all you have available is cubes. You can almost do it. There are four or five different ways that almost work. The structures that result are amost arches. People get attracted to one way for a while, but then they get used to it, get tired of its flaws, and notice one of the ways that has been out of favor, and the flock moves to it. A few years later, they’re back to the first way, but they’re still making arches out of cubes.
Even if I don’t agree with you fully, that is really an statement that comes to be true a lot of times. John learns how to use OO, starts to see objects all the time and forget about better ways to approach a particular problem. Its kinda like religion, he doesn’t want even discuss it, the truth was revealed to him. Amen.
Well, take a detailed look at this specific article. It takes a very long time to say:
Organize information.
Discover relationships.
Ask questions.
It is, if you were paying attention, what your English teacher tried to teach you as a high school freshman. (Substitute language and grade as appropriate.)
Worse than that, the entire article has no insights in it about how to organize, discover, or ask. It’s unnecessarily verbose (someone was writing to a column size,) unnecessarily jargon rich (someone was trying to impress) and unnecessarily simple.
I will give the author credit, at least, for obeying Bohr’s dictum to never express yourself more clearly than you think.
haha. i agree with you somewhat cloudy. but i am having difficulty passing any further judgement as i’m having difficulty just reading the article for the reasons you stated.
judging by the seriousness of some of the comments, i feel i’m not the only one
Edited 2006-06-07 03:09
From the article title: Learn Object-Oriented (OO) Analysis with Generative Analysis (GA)
As far as I know, GA is normally used for Genetic Algorithms. I have previously seen ‘GAn’ as an abbreviation for Generative Analysis though.
This is taken from the listed benefits of GA from the article
“A set of transformations to generate high-quality information from low-quality information”
so, shit in, shit out is not true anymore?! Finally!! =)
That is correct. Through a generative process of refinement, we have converted the input to fertilizer.
From it a rich industry of programming punditry emerges.
“It takes a very long time to say:
Organize information.
Discover relationships.
Ask questions.”
Hey, it’s just like “Extreme Programming”, ie common sense.
Hey, it’s just like “Extreme Programming”, ie common sense.
*sshh..* That’s a secret. You’re endangering the stability of the international society