Polypaudio: Networked Sound Server

Polypaudio is a relatively new cross-platform networked sound server project. The first release came out in July, 2004, the software has been released under the LGPL. “Polypaudio is a networked sound server for Linux and other Unix like operating systems and Microsoft Windows. It is intended to be an improved drop-in replacement for the Enlightened Sound Daemon (ESOUND).” The main function of a sound server is to allow multiple audio applications to simultaneously share the same sound card, the networking capabilities extend this ability across machines.


  1. 2006-06-02 12:01 am
    • 2006-06-02 1:45 am
    • 2006-06-02 5:18 pm
  2. 2006-06-02 10:28 am
    • 2006-06-02 12:32 pm
      • 2006-06-02 1:37 pm
  3. 2006-06-02 3:46 pm
    • 2006-06-02 5:52 pm
      • 2006-06-02 6:07 pm
  4. 2006-06-02 4:53 pm