“The NetBSD Project is proud to announce the list of projects accepted for this year’s Summer of Code. While the list of proposals was impressive and of particularly high quality, a choice of
eight applications had to be made […] Details about each project will be posted to the NetBSD SoC
SourceForge website.”
Completed ports to MIPS64 and PPC64 will be very nice indeed. Thank you Google!
Shoudln’t you thank the students, who will be doing all the actual work?
Google will thank them, monetarily.
Students and mentors: Godspeed! We love you.
Now get cracking! (get hacking? eh..
I wish their HFS+ project last year was better off…
I think jffs is a bit too ambitious for a summer project. McKusick and Scott Long are supposedly both working on it and haven’t gotten far enough for a public release…
Porting FreeBSD’s UFS2 would probably be the easier route to go for NetBSD.
From what I can tell from the FreeBSD mailing list, Scott already has way too much on his plate as it is.
Ahem…NetBSD already has UFS2.
I think jffs is a bit too ambitious for a summer project. McKusick and Scott Long are supposedly both working on it and haven’t gotten far enough for a public release…
By any chance do you have any links about that? I’ve been out of the loop it seems…
Not off hand. McKusick mentioned it during an interview on bsdtalk, I think. Scott Long mentioned it on a mailing list or something a while back, but the site where he kept his code disappeared.