Roumen Strobl, a Sun employee, has created a five minute flash demo to show how easy it is to create dynamic websites using NetBeans 5.5 and Java EE 5. In the demo, he uses two new wizards in NetBeans 5.5: one creates entity beans from a database; and the second creates JSF pages from the entity beans. The wizards automatically take care of the relationships between entity beans. This was previously discussed on OSNews. A beta of NetBeans 5.5 is now available for download.
I don’t see how this demo could woo anyone to try this out. Really, I don’t think scaffolding is the only thing that makes RubyOnRails so appealing. It is great yes, but what I particularly like about RoR and TurboGears and all the interesting new frameworks is the control you have over everything. You know exactly whats going on. Nothing is hidden by GUI. Everything is light and fast. Wizards are not the way.
there is nothing hidden with the gui in the demonstration anyway. it creates the DAO classes you normally have to write by hand, thats it. DAO classes uses annotations and EJB3 query language artifacts in it.
How is it that Netbeans hides anything for you if you opt to make use of those wizards? How is it that you don’t have control over everything?
What Netbeans does, in this case, is that it saves your time, but every little piece is still there – available for you to change.
Please try and use Netbeans for a while.. before you make comment like that – it puts people on the wrong track. You’ll see that what you just wrote is simply not true.
Is very basic, but, the thing is
a) The code is extremely clean
(although I have my gripes with the openentitymanagerinsession pattern)
and shows the power of ejb3 as an application layer base
b) and once the studio creator has moved towards netbeans the scaffolding + the visual capabilities of the creator will become a killer combo.