Computer Security – the Next 50 Years

“Security and validation are critical issues in computing, and the next fifty years will be harder than the last. There are a number of proven programming techniques and design approaches which are already helping to harden our modern systems, but each of these must be carefully balanced with usability in order to be effective. In this talk, Alan Cox, fellow at Red Hat Linux, explores the future of what may be the biggest threat facing software engineers, the unverified user.”


  1. 2006-05-07 9:47 pm
    • 2006-05-07 10:27 pm
      • 2006-05-14 5:33 pm
  2. 2006-05-08 12:57 am
  3. 2006-05-08 1:58 am
  4. 2006-05-08 4:19 am
    • 2006-05-14 5:57 pm