This chapter provides a basic introduction to asynchronous integration. Asynchronous integration occurs when a number of processes integrate but do not lock for the time of the transaction on which they are integrated. Also, “Exception Handling and Fault Tolerance in Java: Defect Removal vs. Defect Survival” and “Java EJB 3.0: A Hibernate Clone?“.
I wish you wouldn’t post links to unrelated Informit articles in a single story, it makes it difficult to have any meaningful discussion. Also, I don’t see why these particular three were newsworthy.
The EJB 3.0 article is particularly short on information, and provides no insight into EJB 3.0 or 2.0. It’s well known that EJB 3.0 is heavily inspired by Hibernate.
The Exception article was redundant as people learn about exceptions when they learn Java: if they know Java they won’t be interested in it; and if they don’t know Java, they won’t be able to comprehend it. That and the fact that the auther was using underscore notation when all of Java uses camelCase makes it pretty unsuitable for the front-page of OSNews. The second page was arguably interesting, but there was still an awful lot of waffle, which made it hard for anyone new to the topic to learn anything meaningful.
The asynchronous article was interesting, but again, there was no meat to it. It just gave a couple of examples to show how useful asynchronous integration was and then… ended. No explanation of how to implement it or anything.
Why post these? And even if they were all interesting, why jam them all into one article? Surely if people are intested in Informit they can subscribe to its RSS feed.
For the record, I enjoyed reading some of these articles, so don’t take too much notice of the criticism, Eugenia!