GNOME 2.15.1 has been released. As with the Linux kernel, odd-numbered releases are developmental releases; meaning that 2.15 is the developmental branch for 2.16. You can compile it using these jhbuild modulesets (or use GARNOME). Detailed notes on the release can be found here: platform, desktop, admin, and bindings. On a related note, Dropline GNOME 2.14.1 has been released as well.
Thats actually not true about the even/odd numbering for the Kernel releases. All 2.6.X releases are considered stable.
I don’t mean to name drop, but I talked to Linus about this last year at a OSCon party. He wanted it to be that way, but too many people complained, so all the 2.6.X releases are considered stable.
Right, but Linux 2.7 would be a development release, and 2.8 the next stable release. GNOME 2.14.1 is a stable release in the same way that Linux 2.6.15 is a stable release. Whereas Linux 2.7.2 would still be a development release.
“Right, but Linux 2.7 would be a development release, and 2.8 the next stable release. GNOME 2.14.1 is a stable release in the same way that Linux 2.6.15 is a stable release. Whereas Linux 2.7.2 would still be a development release.”
Sure. But, again I asked Linus that and he said they had no plans to do that unless they were going to change something or do some drastic changes. And, this is old news now, but they did not have anything coming when I talked to him then.
No to say there has not been some amazing new features in the 2.6.X branch, there totally has been. But I think they are moving away from the odd unstable, even stable stuff. Thats just a guess though, so I could be wrong and most likely am.
Oh, I agree that a “2.7” wouldn’t come for a long time, if ever. I was just clarifying the “Linux kernel versioning” thing if anybody was unclear about what it meant – that it referred to the major revision, not the minor.
Fair enough.
> All 2.6.X releases are considered stable.
We’ll see how true that is over time with my new Slackware-based file server running a custom 2.6 kernel.
Oh right, sorry to thread jack….
Rock on GNOME! I love the desktopy goodness, keep it flowing and I will keep on using.
Something version + ½ is released! NEWS INDEED!
SO, what is INNOVATIVE in it to make it newsworthy?
Edited 2006-04-27 18:33
To be fair, this release actually means a start* in the development of one of the most popular open source desktop environments. So this is actually news because, well, some of us really want to track the development of key open source applications.
Edit:I actually meant the start of the next major release
Edited 2006-04-27 18:56
It’s great news that DLG 2.14.1 finally arrived, I’ve been waiting a long time for this.
Too bad that news is part of an article with less important news it should be vice-versa in my opinion but hey, still great news, can’t wait to install
Does anybody know what X-Windows version is included in DLG 2.14.1? I can’t find it anyhwere on there site.
I would like to know if I can use all the eyecandy stuff with XGL, compiz etc.
Does anybody know what X-Windows version is included in DLG 2.14.1? I can’t find it anyhwere on there site.
Unfortunately, 6.8.2. They didn’t consider 6.9 or 7.0 to be stable enough.
Guys, X 6.8.2 was used because its the Slackware 10.2 default version, but dont worry as soon as the Slackware 11 is out we will have the X updated.
“Something version + ½ is released! NEWS INDEED!
SO, what is INNOVATIVE in it to make it newsworthy? ”
Some fool complaining about press releases. What makes it INNOVATIVE!?!?