The latest FreeBSD status report has been released. “The highlights of this quarters report certainly include the availability of native Java binaries thanks to the FreeBSD Foundation, as well as progress has been made with Xen support and Sun’s Ultrasparc T1. Futhermore we are looking forward to FreeBSD 6.1 and TrustedBSD audit support has been imported into FreeBSD 7-CURRENT. All in all, a very exiting start to 2006.” And on a related note, FreeBSD now boots on the Intel Macs.
I’m really excited about FreeBSD booting on the Intel Mac. I can now get one and run my two favourite OSes, Linux and FreeBSD. Alsohaving native java that does not need Linuc compatibility is really great. I have just tried the 6.1 RC and its really good.
still need linux compat for any OTHER plugins for your browser though heh
still need linux compat for any OTHER plugins for your browser though heh
You mean you care about the native java because of a browser plugin? Actual java applets on the web are so rare that I’d never go to all the trouble of getting linux compatibility set up just for that. I’d probably not do it for flash either and just save myself the trouble of blocking all those ads :p
I’m not a freebsd user myself but I will be giving it a whirl on one of my workstations this summer because I am a java developer and I want to fool around with it for real java applications