Three Software Engineering Articles

“Increase the Accessibility and Comprehensibility of a Visual Model with Literate Modeling”, “Crafting Java with Test-Driven Development, Part 9: Driving a User Interface” and “Designing the Obvious, Part 4: Use Cases, Screenflows, and Wireframes”. Read more for excerpts and links.1. Literate Modeling, which was discovered and first described by author Jim Arlow, can increase the accessibility and comprehensibility of a visual model by embedding it in an explanatory narrative. Take this opportunity to learn from the source how to improve your UML modeling and add value to your models with LM.

2. Our poker application doesn’t yet have betting support. Sounds like a good next step. But at this point the customer wants to see what all that development money has been paying for. We’re flexible! So Jeff Langr instead explains how to build a user interface with Swing.

3. Okay, you know who wants the application and what they want it to do. Ready to start coding, right? Perhaps, but Robert Hoekman, Jr. has some suggestions about how to find problems in the design before it gets too expensive to fix.


  1. 2006-04-10 10:28 am
    • 2006-04-10 8:16 pm
      • 2006-04-11 10:22 am