“We present several ways of installing BSD on the IBM Netvista S40, a so-called legacy free computer. Difficulties arise because the machine has no standard AT keyboard controller, and the subroutines controlling gate A20 and the keyboard create inappropriate results. We discuss replacement bootstrap code, which more carefully deals with the A20 issue. Some simple modifications to the FreeBSD kernel code are considered too. A manual method for preparing a bootable installation CD, suitable for both Netvista and all standard configurations, is examined. Installations of DragonFly, NetBSD, OpenBSD and OS/2 are also discussed.”
Wohoo! Assembly on OSNews!
It’s sad that x86 assembly is such an eye-sore.
>It’s sad that x86 assembly is such an eye-sore.
Such it is. I’ve been lately programming too much with Hitachi H8S assembly for a school project and unfortunately I can’t anymore just look at assembly code without starting to think “what does this do”. I should really try to get over assembly and focus on something more usable.
But I’ll bet the “something else” won’t be as much fun as assembly
This should be a patch for FreeBSD.