What if you want to use a web browser like Dillo, which lacks JavaScript support and can’t play audio or video inside the browser?
Dillo doesn’t have the capability to play audio or video directly from the browser, however it can easily offload this task to other programs. This page collects some examples of how to do watch videos and listen to audio tracks or podcasts by using an external player program. In particular we will cover mpv with yt-dlp which supports YouTube and Bandcamp among many other sites.
↫ Dillo website
The way Dillo handles this feels very UNIX-y, in that it will call an external program – mpv and yt-dlp, for instance – to play a YouTube from an “Open in mpv” option in the right-click menu for a link. It’s nothing earth-shattering or revolutionary, of course, but I very much appreciate that Dillo bakes this functionality right in, allowing you to define any such actions and add them to the context menu.
i have been doing something similar with the cli browser links2 running in framebuffer.
Of course you know how I first read the title?
We’re not making dildo jokes on osnews, are we? Stay classy