“Need a teeny-tiny, business-card-sized, open source operating system that squeezes a lot of software into a little space? Take a look at DSL Linux. This quick review shows you how to use the miniscule OS, highlights the on-board applications, details how to load and start it, and explains how to save between sessions when using a bootable CD.”
DSL stands for Damn Small Linux, so DSL Linux would be Damn Small Linux Linux…
DSLL hereafter.
Not to be too be nitpicking, but it is not called DSL Linux. DSL stands for “Damn Small Linux”.
Oops, nevermind. I thought DSL was a firewall distro.
Edited 2006-03-25 20:35
..and you can install it on a HD !! (there are some info about how to do this..)
I simply love it. 50 Mb of pure live CD. I find it very useful to rescue computers, or to show Linux to my friends.
And the modules are really cool things also.
DSL is good for an old computer that might only use Win95/98 for example. Heh, you know USB sticks doesn’t work good with Win98 (no built-in support) but with dsl it works
All the best wishes to Mr John Andrews for creating this small distro. I use it in windows using QEMU all the while for browsing and other things.