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DSL Linux: Small Distro That Packs a Big Punch

“Need a teeny-tiny, business-card-sized, open source operating system that squeezes a lot of software into a little space? Take a look at DSL Linux. This quick review shows you how to use the miniscule OS, highlights the on-board applications, details how to load and start it, and explains how to save between sessions when using a bootable CD.”


  1. 2006-03-25 7:48 pm
    • 2006-03-26 9:02 am
  2. 2006-03-25 7:49 pm
  3. 2006-03-25 8:34 pm
  4. 2006-03-25 9:46 pm
  5. 2006-03-26 1:39 am
  6. 2006-03-26 7:23 am
  7. 2006-03-26 1:09 pm