I’ve barely scratched the surface, but there’s enough here for me to seriously consider a switch to it as my primary Linux distro for testing and servers. I love that
↫ Ruben Schadehtop(1)
only shows a small list of recognisable processes, that it uses OpenRC, that package management seems straight forward, and that it’s so simple to configure. I’ve wondered what a modern, functional “Occam’s Linux” would look like. This is it.
Alpine is very popular among people inclined towards BSD, but who still want to run Linux as well – and it’s easy to see why when you try it out or read about it. This article is a good jumping-off point for those of you curious about Alpine.
You already shared this back when it came out https://www.osnews.com/story/139469/a-bsd-person-tries-alpine-linux/
Ouch, that rarely happens. I’ll leave it up since it ain’t hurting anyone, but thanks for pointing it out!
Yeah was experiencing some extreme deja vu, and was making sure if this was a new blog post by author or same!
I also experienced this ‘deja vu’, but I assumed (judging only on headline, and not on content) that this time it was Thom (as a fresh BSD convert) trying Alpine Linux from this perspective
I’d enjoy reading that one!