The campaign to free Blender’s sources has officially started. 100,000 Euro are needed in order Blender to become open source and be the first truly powerful 3D rendering package for the OSS community. If you can spare some money this weekend, help this great application get freed.
Ok, now how much to ‘free up’ the source for BeOS ?![;)](
I’m glad that I got to read that before it was deleted![;)](
You are lucky I am a nice person. What you said is rude and down right nasty. You should be banned from every forum everywhere. People like you give the US a bad name. You are one of the reasons 9/11 happened, because a**holes like you don’t know when to keep your snouts shut. Now take that to the bank, you a**hole.
Now, if you can show us that you understand social protocol, that would be wonderful.
The rules and guidelines on this site are to help the this community work for the people who care about it.
You might be going through some tough times or have suffered some trauma. Instead of spewing out verbal vomit on us, let people know what’s going on. We’re all just people.
Have the courage to embrace kindness instead of taking out your rage or hurt on other people.
just have to say that some people have strange ideas…
ive been reading this site for a while and while i dont always agree with eugenia… ive always respected her
this is a good site.. where people have a wide variety of views… and occasionally (often?) arguments happen..
eugenia has done very well in keeping up a site where differeng viewpoints can clash while still having a sense of welcomeness and friendliness
please dont attack that
Poor Eugenia. Why is this guy get so angry? Maybe he is just a spoiled kid that try to get attention. (If not then he is a childish adult)
I used Moonlight 3d version 0.8?? (0.7??) on Linux for some time. It’s quite stable and has good AA features. It’s a decent and powerfull enough 3d package , in my modest opinion, that uses the WindowMaker (NStep?) library but few Linux users know about it.
You can get information >>
Good luck to Blender 🙂
I can understand some filtering on the posts here but I really dislike censorship or dictator’s rules. Please don’t do that unless there is a reason for it. (OK, It was the case in the posts moderated down here and I agree but please moderate your moderation
Now, I was saying, Moonlight 3D is a very decent, stable and powerfull enough 3D suite running on NextStep libraries (I guess).
I tried it on Linux and, while it’s in version 0.8.? (or something like it) it’s better than Blender for some purposes, in my modest opinion.
Check this
Am I the only person here that would rather see Blender released under a BSD type license or have the company offer a dual license? The problem with GPL is that it will prevent ‘commercial adoption and improvement’ of the product. Besides the improvements that the OSS community can offer, I would also like to see Blender picked up, improved upon, and _sold_ by a 3rd party company. I think when companies offer a product only under GPL it limits it’s potential to succeed. An example of this would be like Trolltech offering QT under a commercial license to allow developers to release a closed source product that uses the library. Open Source is a good, but having _only_ open source is bad. So does anyone know if NaN plans release a non-GLP license as well?
If it becomes OSS. will it be available for Linux? Or at least, would there be a port?
Ok, now how much to ‘free up’ the source for BeOS ?
Impossible, Palm would hardly help any of its competitors with the source of BeOS.
Great to see the money meter increased few thousands within few hours.
rajan r, Blender is a Linux program. here is a screen shot on Mandrake
Another screenshot can be found here
You can view some stuff created with Blender here
Blender is a great program once you get past the (stiff) learning curve.
I did use blender few years back and I think it is a good software although a bit difficult to understand the GUI style. Maybe this is due to what familiar to me when using 3DStudio or 3DMax on Window$.
Today is my first time hearing about Moonlight3d. How is it look like?
> I can understand some filtering on the posts here but I really dislike censorship or dictator’s rules.
Your post was never censored or moderated down. It was just not got approved yet, because we were all sleeping at the time you posted down. So please, YOU calm down, or you will do get moderated for real.
Today is my first time hearing about Moonlight3d. How does it look like?
It looks good.
It has a non-tyring eye grey interface and most of the work is easy if you use the keyboard (ESC) and the mouse together. It’s not like 3dsmax or Lightwave UI but no big learning curve if you have some experience. I liked it. Remember it’s OSS and was ressurected but powerfull POV :-), too few plugins at this point (what a shame). I first used it on a Pro SuSE 7.3.
So please, YOU calm down, or you will do get moderated for real. I am calm, thanks; (sometimes I forget that I’m in Europe reading US made news) but I repeat that this moderation “menace” gets my nerves on.
It looks like this (more or less and in future), the little boxes (dialogs) on the right will be full with variable values.
It look like a screen capture of the webpage to me. Is this the real GUI?
Open Source is a good, but having _only_ open source is bad. So does anyone know if NaN plans release a non-GLP license as well?
NaN has closed the door and they need to pay to their providers/credors, that’s why they are asking for some money to OpenSource the Blender, they need to pay their debits. They also would like to see the project continuing as a father likes to see its kid learning life, either the OpenSource comunity gets the money or another Palm company will buy Blender property (it’s a fact of life) to let them pay their debits and close the development like it happened with BeOS. I will find my way to donate 50€ (Euros if the sign doesn’t appear) and you can call me dumb afterwards. If you don’t want to contribute that’s up to you.
The problem with GPL is that it will prevent ‘commercial adoption and improvement’ of the product. Besides the improvements that the OSS community can offer, I would also like to see Blender picked up, improved upon, and _sold_ by a 3rd party company. I think when companies offer a product only under GPL it limits it’s potential to succeed.
That’s the problem with GPL, no one will look at it and GPL devellopers will not have enough time or skills to take it to another level, at least that’s what happens up to today with most GPL applcations (e.g. excluding the Apache software and a few more). BSD license would be perfect for Blender.
apache http server is under apache licence, not GPL
is there something going on between macosrumors and osnews?
OSNews is far more interesting than MacOSRumors which rarely even updates their site.
* 5. Products derived from this software may not be called “Apache”, nor may “Apache” appear in their name, without prior written permission of the Apache Software Foundation.
OK, don’t be so picky, it’s not pure GPL but it’s almost the same. That’s like saying that Linux is not an OS it’s a kernel. Does it make a real difference for a conversation ?
Re: The appearance is identic to that web page but with more dialogs, it’s a WindowMaker like UI. Just download the 0.9 test tarball you will be surprised with the features (click the download button on left or the arrow of the dropdown tabs on right to see some 3d made pictures
>OK, don’t be so picky, it’s not pure GPL but it’s almost the
>same. That’s like saying that Linux is not an OS it’s a
>kernel. Does it make a real difference for a conversation ?
these licences are very different and it matters a lot. The fact that it is not GPL means that companies will support it more. Would Solaris come with Apache if it was GPL? would anyone use Apache if it was GPL? no, I don’t think so. I have never seen a number of GPL products being supported, improved and distributed by a company that actually has profit .
I read somewhere that they want to provide some special license for companies.
But the comments about GPL software never really be worked on or adopted by a company are just too stupid to further comment them. I guess Linux, Mozilla, etc are vaporware then.
Linux is an exception. Mozilla is not GPL.
it’s not that hard
So please, YOU calm down, or you will do get moderated for real. I am calm, thanks; (sometimes I forget that I’m in Europe reading US made news) but I repeat that this moderation “menace” gets my nerves on.
At the bottom of the Comment field and above the red text it says your comment will not be posted immeditaly. Eugenia has perfectly good reasons to both moderate down posts and to have to approve each post individually.
“Linux is an exception. Mozilla is not GPL.”
I used them as _examples_. If you think apache license is far enough from GPL, then I can say that MPL is near enough to GPL and it’s supposed to be dual licensed as GPL anyway so what. 95% of the software I use is GPL or similar and that’s not because I’m a license militant but because those projects have produced the most usefull code for me. But have fun continuing your bashing.
“Would Solaris come with Apache if it was GPL”
This made me laugh BTW. Would Solaris come with GNOME if it was GPL…..? Naaaaw no way.
does any commercial unix come with the GPLd KDE?
Slashdot has a story on the money raised so far (18.000 € in 3 days).
I used them as _examples_. If you think apache license is far enough from GPL, then I can say that MPL is near enough to GPL and it’s supposed to be dual licensed as GPL anyway so what.
MPL/NPL is not even close to being GPL. It is, in simple words “You can use it, but the code remains open. And we can take your code and relicense it”.
Slashdot has a story on the money raised so far (18.000 € in 3 days).
I’m sorry, is that 18 euros or 18 thousand euros?
“rajan r, Blender is a Linux program”
Blender runs on all Windows (XP?), Linux x86 & Alpha, FreeBSD x86, BeOS x86, SGI Irix 5.3 (R3k or R4k) & 6.2(-R4k or R5k), and Sun Solaris 2.6 (sparc).
That’s one of the main reasons Blender needs saved and opened, although I do think a BSD-style license is a better choice. Anything that works as good as Blender on all these platforms would be a crime to lose!
“does any commercial unix come with the GPLd KDE?”
Is your goldfish doing fine?
or 18 thousand euros? That’s thousands of €. (€ -18.000,00) 🙂 It takes a little more but three days are three days.
>Is your goldfish doing fine?
do you admit that you lost the argument or are you nuts?