“I started OpenBGP two years ago, after getting completely fed up with Zebra, which we were running before. There were lots of bugs, bad configuration language, performance problems, and since I don’t speak Japanese – I had problems understanding the documentation. Zebra makes heavy use of cooperative threads, which leads to it’s main problem: combined with the central event queue, Zebra can lose sessions while busy. Zebra successor, Quagga, caught up and apparently fixed many of the bugs. However, they still used the Zebra’s design, which I think is wrong. So, the issues are kind of unfixable.”
and more technical:
In case you were, like me, wondering what this was about
Quagga’s or Zebras CLI is borrowed from Cisco, this means that all Cisco’s is hard and incovinient to configure too
I don’t agree. Besides quagga includes RIP, OSPF and BGP daemons. OpenBGPd is a single daemon.
You’re so stupid that I registered for this.
Cisco’s IOS is disgusting to use, so yeah, Quagga’s is.
And OpenBGPd comes with OpenOSPFd, the OSPF and RIP handling daemon.
Why it’s name OpenBGPd if it includes OSPF anr RIP?
Edited 2006-03-12 21:19
Why’s it’s name OpenSSH if includes SCP and SFTP? Because they’re related and useful with one another.
“Why it’s name OpenBGPd if it includes OSPF anr RIP?”
Because it doesnt? OpenBGPD includes bgp tools, nothing else. Open*BSD* on the other hand does include both OSPF and RIP.
While I agree that the OP was incorrect, I also think insult-throwing is quite honestly worse than being misinformed. -1 for you, shame on those who modded up an obviously *insulting* post which is very clearly labelled as “offensive” in the down moderation.
If you find an apple being called an apple, is it insulting? If an orange is called an orange, is it insulting?
I don’t particularly find those situations insulting, but it insults my intelligence for you to pretend that my correct words are inappropriate because I called a retard a retard.
I saw a man call an apple an orange and I called him a retard for it, if you don’t like it, feel free to ignore it, but I don’t see it as an insult to call John Edward MaGee, Jr. a giant talking douche for his obvious taking advantage of simple minded people, nor do I see it as one to call eazy a retard for failing to read.
If you invalidate a point because it is made in a manner you don’t like, you’re going to really hate Penn and Teller’s Bullshit and you’re going to end up not listening to jack shit all, because noones ever going to talk to you.
“If you find an apple being called an apple, is it insulting?” <– “Apple” is a noun referring to a type of plant. “Retard” is offensive slang used to imply a person is mentally retarded. You have no way of knowing if the OP is mentally retarded. Ignorant maybe, but mentally retarded? Doesn’t seem so. Either way, you have no way of knowing.
“I don’t particularly find those situations insulting, but it insults my intelligence for you to pretend that my correct words are inappropriate because I called a retard a retard.” I suppose because your English is poor that makes you a “retard” too? You’re ignorant of proper usage of this language, and by your standards, that makes you “retarded.”
“I saw a man call an apple an orange and I called him a retard for it, if you don’t like it, feel free to ignore it, but I don’t see it as an insult to call John Edward MaGee, Jr. a giant talking douche for his obvious taking advantage of simple minded people, nor do I see it as one to call eazy a retard for failing to read.” Do you just enjoy creating run-on sentences? You must be a “simple minded” person, due to your ignorance of English. Maybe you failed to read your English literature.
“If you invalidate a point because it is made in a manner you don’t like, you’re going to really hate Penn and Teller’s Bullshit and you’re going to end up not listening to jack shit all, because noones ever going to talk to you.” Honestly, I have no idea what you’re trying to say now. That was incoherant. Maybe some inside joke?
Hint: English isn’t my primary language and I would never insult somebody for their inability to speak/write it correctly. I’m hardly perfect myself! I just wanted to make a point to this blasphemous person. No offense intended to the rest of you.
In conclusion, Janizary, by your own definition – you are a “retard.” So please, don’t be the pot that calls the kettle black. Take your attitude somewhere else.
While I agree that the OP was incorrect, I also think insult-throwing is quite honestly worse than being misinformed. -1 for you, shame on those who modded up an obviously *insulting* post which is very clearly labelled as “offensive” in the down moderation.
You don’t know anything about the OpenBSD crowd do you? A slightly thicker skin is required, but they rarely get nasty unless they are actually correct.
I know a lot, and I have a thick skin. That doesn’t mean I just “tolerate” it and let it slide because “they rarely get nasty unless they are actually correct.” As per my first post, I agreed with the sentiment, just not the method of delivery. Standing by and letting people act like asses to others really isn’t a moral choice as far as I’m concerned. I’m not the police, but I’m not going to sit by and watch somebody get a +5 for a post that consists of 90% insulting/abrasive language, and 10% information, when it is specifically a reason to down-moderate posts for abusive language. The end.
Well if you manage to explain to me how to configure zebra’s ripd to declare a gateway whose IP address is stored in the configuration file?
The RFC allow it but I didn’t manage to do it: the configuration is not easy..
And the hard truth is that zebra suck: I know I’m using it and I’ve seen:
-stupid timer management: if you update the date in the past, zebra’s rip daemon will stop sending periodic route annonces, nice huh?
-memory leak (if you change the configuration of ripd and send it a SIGHUP to make it reread its configuration, sometimes it remembers the old configuration..).
-core dumps
I haven’t tried Quagga but configuration in quagga doesn’t seem better explained that in zebra though.
“Well if you manage to explain to me how to configure zebra’s ripd to declare a gateway whose IP address is stored in the configuration file?
The RFC allow it but I didn’t manage to do it: the configuration is not easy..”
router rip
default-information originate
Edited 2006-03-13 08:53
Uh, where is the ip address of the gateway?
Sorry maybe I wasn’t clear enough: in RIP by default the source IP address used to broadcast a route is the gateway, but when there are several IP address on a given interface sometimes it can be difficult to be sure that the route is broadcast with the IP address you want.
But in RIPv2, you can broadcast a route specifying the IP address of the gateway, but I haven’t managed to do it, documentation of zebra is a bit incomplete in my opinion (this plus the other flaw mentioned, I can understand why someone started a different progress..).
what do you mean: to broadcast a route? As I know RIPv1 broadcast entire routing table, not a single route. RIPV2 sends routing table unicast or multicast. If you have several IP adresses on a given interface use RIPv2 and send routing table to one or more neighbours neighbors:
router rip
You can publish a route with a specific gateway IP address in the RIPv2 protocol ie you don’t only say “I know a route towards the subnet X with a cost C” but “the gateway GW know a route towards the subnet X with a cost C”.
How do I put the gateway GW in the ripd configuration file?
It’s not clear at all from zebra’s documentation.
I disagree. I find the IOS (and Zebra/Quagga) interface to be a royal pain in the butt to work with. They’re pretty much the worst interfaces ever designed.
“Besides quagga includes RIP, OSPF and BGP daemons. OpenBGPd is a single daemon.”
Do you have a point other than stating the obvious?