This is a contender for the World Record for Feature Creep Side Project. It is pretty high in the contender list as it’s a bolt on to another contender for the World Record for Feature Creep Side Project (the MII Apple //e emulator).
It is a library that duplicate a lot of a Macintosh Classic “Toolbox” APIs. It is not a complete implementation, but it is enough to make a few simple applications, also, all the bits I needed for the MII emulator.
↫ libmui GitHub page
This is absolutely wild.
That was a really fun README.
Man, I miss the old user interfaces… Mac OS 9, Windows 95, GTK+ (1), with their clear borders, harsh shadows, raised buttons, persistent scrollbars… Sigh. At least we still have Haiku.
i really hope there will be more themes in the future for Haiku… a nice Zeta-like theme would be awesome!
I think I’m in love.