Complete desktops contain all operating system components as well as Internet Explorer and Outlook Express. Where possible, I have tried to include built in file transfer programs (Web Publishing Wizard, Web Folders), useful system tools (System File Checker, System Restore) and certain wizards (Network Setup Wizard, Internet Connection Wizard). As a result, some of the desktops are quite large and can take some time to load.
These are easily loaded virtual machines [correction: they’re not virtual machines – they’re more like fancy interactive screenshot-like things? Still interesting, but they’re not virtual machine like I thought. Apologies!] inside your browser, for various versions of Windows and macOS. There’s more and more of these websites now, and while I don’t use them for anything, they’re still quite handy in a pinch. And let’s face it – it’s still kind of magical to see entire operating systems running inside a browser.
The website also has several virtual machines without applications, and application-specific virtual machines, too, focused on browsers and mail clients.
Interesting. However they’re not real virtual machines. When you run them they are semi-interactive screen shots. Gives you an idea of how it looks, but isn’t interactive.
Still, real webpage based VMs might be useful for demoing operating systems on osnews. Every OS review might have a link to one!
Not real VM’s, they’re just screenshots
This site has REAL browser based virtual machines:
At least for Macs there is Those are real VMs in a browser..
Tried the Windows 95 and 98 ones, and almost nothing works. Even going to My Computer -> C: doesn’t work. There was more functionality in those “Windows RG” swf files that were floating around in the past.
That is so cool!!! And a very clever implementation.
I loaded up the page for Windows ME but my computer crashed… just kidding.
It was nice seeing the old Mac OS 9 UI that I used in college. And I loooove the original Aqua theme in Mac OS X. Very nostalgic.
Including the blue screen would have been such a cool idea! It’s something that real user of the day experienced so why not include the blue screens in these mockups?
Thom, how about an osnews article that includes crash screenshots from every consumer operating system in history Would that be entertaining? I have no idea, haha.