Christmas last year saw RISCOS Ltd embark on a road show tour of the UK to bring one day shows to Manchester, London, and Birmingham. The fun continues with the RISC OS Roadshow going Dutch at the Hotel Mercure in Nieuwegein, Netherlands. The date is Saturday 17th June, 10:00-17:00 local time.
for the overpriced A9 with its proprietary closed codebase RISCOS.
I dont thinK that RISCOS closed is the problem.
It seems that sadly, RISCOS is fading.
Whats needed is (IMHO)…
Better marketing.
Better web site
Clear direction
Plan releases of Hardware and software.
Also they need to “modernize” RISCOS and have a US source for US customers.
Seriously, couldn’t they think of a better place to have it? Im dutch, and i’ve never heard of Nieuwegein. I would go, if it was in one of the major cities like The Hague, Amsterdam, Rotterdam or Utrecht, but im not going to Nieuwegein for this.