Potix has released ZK 1.0, the XUL-Java-Ajax-Beanshell based web application framework. The framework aims to simplify developing Ajax based web development by minimizing configuration and lowering developer skill requirements. A live demo is available.
HTTP Status 500 –
type Exception report
description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
javax.servlet.ServletException: Java heap space
org.apache.catalina.security.SecurityUtil.execute(SecurityUtil.java:29 3)
org.apache.catalina.security.SecurityUtil.doAsPrivilege(SecurityUtil.j ava:161)
root cause
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/5.5.9 logs.
Apache Tomcat/5.5.9
seems to work now..
It’s down again (for me at least).
So how does this one compare with for instance qooxdoo (http://qooxdoo.oss.schlund.de/) or other AJAX frameworks?
I like the concept very much! It has a lot of promise, however, when I ran it, it was a bit slow via the client. May be 1.1 will be faster or more efficient?!?!?!
Yes, just try the drag and drop demo.
You drop the element where you want to place it, it goes back to its original position and then, after a moment, it appears where you placed it. That completely kills the feel.
And I don’t know why, but in Mozilla it’s even slower.
That’s probably because web browser sends notify to the servlet that item position has been changed.
I know. But the implementation feels quite unresponsive.
They should allow the interface engine to drop something someplace and let it stay in that place, and then send it to the server to save data. If they want/need to refresh again later (when they recieve the response from the server), well, that’s ok. But let the interface operate locally or you’ll give the user an uncomfortable feeling.
I am one of the authors of ZK. It is slow even dead because of bursts of requests after ZK 1.0 is released (demo site is hosted virtually with many other sites).
Regarding the visual effect of drag and drop, would you might post it to Feature Requests? Thanks.
Sure thing. Request posted.
And as I said, apart from being slow, it is indeed quite nice.
If you’re not doing N-Tier stuff, you really shouldn’t be using java for web stuff like this. Unless you just love it of course I’ve used Java since 1.0b4, and while a good language, it’s designed for the enterprise, not a single fast website with one database (though it’s still faster then Ruby right now). I’m more interested in PHP+Ajax frameworks.
I tested it a bit more, but if memory isn’t an issue than using this framework is fine. Looking at the memory usage, it is iffy at best.
Using SeaMonkey, memory consumption was from 2k all the way up to 10 megs. These type of frameworks require the user to beware. Not all is picture perfect, maybe it will be better in the future as I mentioned previously.
The memory goes up fast initially because of the loading of ZK modules. However, per-user memory shall be limited. If you observed something, please let us know. Thanks.