As many of you have no doubt noticed, a recent bug in our CMS flipped everyone over to our experimental dark mode (along with some other quirks). We haven’t had the time to address the issue at its core yet, but for the time being, if you’re a registered user, you should be able to get light mode back now by clicking the “Revert to Light Mode” link in your right sidebar. We’ll get light mode working for non-logged-in users ASAP. I sincerely appreciate that so many people emailed us to tell us how much you hate the dark mode. Really! Let us know in the comments if you notice anything else.
I disabled Dark Reader to see why people might hate dark mode here… It isn’t very dark, still a lot of brightness with text, buttons, even the background in the box I’m typing this in is white. In fact, toggling between light/dark mode only changes the background color of of the header (or whatever), and most boxes (or whatever). Even the background of the main page remains light grey, taking up a huge amount of wasted space. Honestly, this is about the laziest “dark mode” I’ve seen and it’s crazy to have taken such a long time and that’s all there is to show for it. Thank god for Dark Reader.
As you are fixing the dark mode, could you make “Enable dark mode” setting stick for logged in user? Every couple of days the site forgets that I have dark mode enabled.
Previously the site would always use preferred settings specified in the WP account, but obviously that’s not working. I think the temporary effect you are seeing is because it’s based on cookies. I have my browser set to delete cookies every time I close the browser, and so it constantly reverts to dark mode. At least now light mode is two clicks away (ironically the first click changes it to “dark mode”, which is already enabled, and the second click changes to light mode).
I’m curious about the cause. Was someone actively changing the site? A wordpress update? Some kind of date based logic? An april fools gimmick gone wrong awry? Haha.
WordPress update.
It reverts to “light” mode for me. While I prefer the dark one.
Morgan below describes the same problem. It’s not only me.
If you clear your cookies I think you’ll probably find that dark is the default. The behavior is the same on firefox and chrome and you can confirm it on as well.
I did see it briefly revert back light a few days ago, that seems to be because they temporarily reverted back to an older osnews backup, presumably to help see what changed. That’s probably what Morgan noticed as well.
If you are logged in, it’s supposed to remember the setting on everyone’s dashboard. However that doesn’t get saved for me and reverts to dark mode. I’d be curious if your dashboard setting got saved as light mode somehow?
Is that why the login link went bye-bye (visually)? I see it has come back.
Correct. The disappearance of the login link was another symptom, now fixed.
I see no difference at all between them two options. Firefox 96
I guess I’m in the minority that actually enjoys the dark mode, or at least my old tired eyeballs do. Other than the bug that randomly turned it off every few visits, it’s been a welcome addition to the site. I know I can achieve the same thing with an extension, but I prefer to use as few of those as possible for security (and on older hardware, performance) reasons.
Yeah, I liked the change. :shrug:
You are not alone, my eyes are also enjoying the dark mode.
Agreed, but I’m biased because I use Dark Themes everywhere.
Nothing is worse than an inconsiderate light polluter!
Well, I like dark mode too 🙂
I also experienced the same bug before this change, and it even took a couple of clicks to actually apply dark mode.
Weirdly enough, now that I’m in dark mode (and it looks like it won’t randomly switch back to light mode) the text on the right reads “Enable Dark Mode”!
Yes there’s a logical inconsistency. Can you spot the bug in this example pseudo code?
This is why you have to click the link twice after starting a fresh session.
FWIW, I like both the new light and dark themes.
Good job!!
I like the Dark Mode