The beta for the upcoming 5.21 release of the KWinFT projects is now available. It contains a monumental rewrite of KWinFT’s windowing logic. Read on for an overview of the changes and why this rewrite was necessary.
KWinFT is such a poster child for open source development. Someone wasn’t happy with KWin, a core aspect of their desktop, and put their money where their mouth is and forked it into something that they think is better. I wouldn’t be surprised to see parts of KWinFT, or even the project as a whole, make its way to become KDE’s default window manager.
Again you’re talking about something you never even tried, instead opting to take all the gloating from the lead dev as the truth.
I would say the original Kwin and KDE as a whole is better poster child for open source than forking it due to personal grievances…
I’ll admit, sometimes you look at long standing code and you go “sheesh!” because it’s very trashy. And so, you can become the “lone wolf” of FOSS sometimes in order to “right the wrongs”.
It’s valid. While this “lone wolf” cathedral style may seem bad, sometimes, these sort of things turn into a better community “start”.
And sometimes… you end up with sheesh++….