My NixOS desktop flow

When the parts were almost in, I had decided to really start digging into NixOS. Friends on IRC and Discord had been trying to get me to use it for years, and I was really impressed with a simple setup that I had in a virtual machine. So I decided to jump head-first down that rabbit hole, and I’m honestly really glad I did.

NixOS is built on a more functional approach to package management called Nix. Parts of the configuration can be easily broken off into modules that can be reused across machines in a deployment. If Ansible or other tools like it let you customize an existing Linux distribution to meet your needs, NixOS allows you to craft your own Linux distribution around your needs.

Unfortunately, the Nix and NixOS documentation is a bit more dense than most other Linux programs/distributions are, and it’s a bit easy to get lost in it. I’m going to attempt to explain a lot of the guiding principles behind Nix and NixOS and how they fit into how I use NixOS on my desktop.

I’m hearing more and more people talk about NixOS lately, and I’ve been wondering why. This article is an excellent overview into this unusual Linux distribution.


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