Android 10 released

Android 10 is here! With this release, we focused on making your everyday life easier with features powered by on-device machine learning, as well as supporting new technologies like Foldables and 5G. At the same time, with almost 50 changes related to privacy and security, Android 10 gives you greater protection, transparency, and control over your data. This builds on top of our ongoing commitment to provide industry-leading security and privacy protections on Android. We also built new tools that empower people of all abilities, and help you find the right balance with technology.

Coming to only very few devices probably not near you.


  1. 2019-09-05 12:58 am
    • 2019-09-05 1:19 am
  2. 2019-09-05 12:03 pm
  3. 2019-09-05 1:23 pm
    • 2019-09-06 11:59 am