BeleniX 0.3 Released

“BeleniX 0.3 is available for download now. The following are
some of the changes that have gone into this release: based on OpenSolaris build 27 that includes ZFS; a Perl-Curses based hard disk installer (hdinstaller utility) that can install the OS to a Solaris2 partition and also does
basic configuration; several bugfixes; bootup time performance enhancements based on amount of RAM available and a few generic optimisations; includes the cardbus and wireless drivers and inetmenu from
the laptop community; new software and upgraded to latest Xfce release.”


  1. 2005-12-21 9:35 pm
  2. 2005-12-22 1:46 am
  3. 2005-12-30 8:06 am