“On December 8, 2005, we published a story that wondered: Firefox 1.5: Not Ready For Prime Time? In response, some 450 (and climbing) InternetWeek, InformationWeek, TechWeb Pipelines, and Scot’s Newsletter readers have sent details about their experiences with Firefox 1.5. A picture is emerging about Firefox 1.5 in the real world – on a small percentage of Windows, Mac, and Linux computers – that is less than positive.”
I’ve not experienced any problems with v1.5 or the earlier release candidates on any one of a handful of PCs. Its just great!
I have not exprienced many problems with 1.5(Norwegian) compared to 1.0.7. The only thing I noticed in the beginning was that it sometimes remembered pages too well. But it seems to be cured now.. Don’t know why..
…experienced with FF1.5 at all since beta.
I have seen:
1. HUGE amounts of memory leaked/used
2. LOTS of “Server could not be reached” errors. To the tune of FOUR today!
3. slower launch
4. a few random crashes, usually when the page loads a plugin like quicktime or WMP.
I still use it, but the concerns ARE valid.
Thos are indeed the problems I’ve been having, on all PCs I’ve installed it.
Still, not enough to make me switch to IE or even Opera.
Same exact problems here, plus…
* Ugly menus when using windows classic theme
Anyways, I switched back to 1.0.7 for now
Edited 2005-12-21 19:13
Just install the Cute Menus 2 extension… that will install OfficeXP style menus and give icons to them also making ff look much more attractive
Yep, same problems and fix here I’m afraid
> 2. LOTS of “Server could not be reached” errors. To the tune of FOUR today!
…and you are going to blam Firefox?
I have suffered some random crashes as well 🙁
I couldn’t send them debug info, because I’m behind a proxy that requires authentication, which is not supported by that Mozilla utility.
Maybe it’s a problem with the install? Or a problem with the Windows specific code?
Mine’s run quite reliably but I only run a browser for a matter of an hour or two and then close it and do something else. I also don’t use plugins (they’ve never worked right on any browser, Windows, Linux, Mac, etc).
Now, I hope these guys have all posted bug reports to mozilla. If they had time to mail complaints in for the news they definitely had time to file a bug report .
I use Firefox on a daily basis since 1.5 years and I only had minor problems (compared to IE). The “problems” mentioned in the article are:
* Firefox’s use of physical and virtual memory is exceptionally high.
* CPU usage spikes to 100 percent (usually while loading a Web page).
* The browser freezes up for seconds, minutes, or permanently.
* The browser won’t launch until they remove an errant “firefox.exe” process in Task Manager.
* The browser crashes suddenly (usually while loading a Web page).
* The browser has trouble loading specific pages, but there’s no commonality among users as to which pages won’t load.
* The initial launch of Firefox loads slower.
* Third-party application hyperlinks (such as a link in an e-mail message) take a long time to open a new Firefox tab or to launch the browser.
Well, it’s true that Firefox tends to eat memory, but consider it is not “integrated” as Internet Explorer (I have no idea ATM if comparing Firefox with Opera in Linux gives the same result). It’s true that Firefox tends to use more processor time than IE, but the difference is not that big considering the time it uses CPU @ 100%. I had very few crashes and only with RCs, and it’s true that when it crashes, you must close the process ‘firefox.exe’, but that’s happens everytime a program crashes and doesn’t unload correctly from memory (in the case of Firefox, it’s because everytime you click on the icon to load it, it checks if it was previously loaded to create just another window an not to load everything again), so it’s redundant. “Firefox launches slower” is obvious because is not integrated! Moreover, there’re preloaders for Win32. The same for the next point, is redundant.
I think the mentioned flaws are relatively small and don’t compromise Firefox usability in any interesting way, and is really dubois these problems give a less than positive picture, considering their anecdotical nature (and sometimes, just plain confussed).
I’ve had similar problems:
* CPU usage spikes to 100 percent (usually while loading a Web page).
* The browser freezes up for seconds.
* The browser won’t launch until they remove an errant “firefox.exe” process in Task Manager. (rare)
* When using smooth scrolling with very graphics-intesive sites, scrolling is unusably jerky.
Sorry for copying your statements, but since they apply in my case, too, I just couldn’t resist
Just a note:
I have removed my preferences folder before installing 1.5 final.
* CPU usage spikes to 100 percent (usually while loading a Web page).
* The browser freezes up for seconds, minutes, or permanently.
Broswer and Explorer UI freezes when the CPU peaks; this 2 points really are 1 thing actually.
I found FF trends to behave like the aforesaid when it is trying to download small files a few KB size. FF seems to spin lock and wait for the transfer completes before updating the UI. It is ok when the site responds quickly, but for slow site/dodgy link this just freeze the UI up completely. FF seems to handle large transfer in the background and thus not cause lock ups.
i am using ubuntu breezy. it shipped with 1.0.7. i will stick with that until dapper. by then these issues should be ironed out, or at least i hope so. i am not always the first to rock it to the new version of a program until it has been pretty well bullet tested, though firefox should really be more tested than this. but everyone i know who uses 1.5 hasnt had a problem with it. i am going to stop typing now.
But I have only had one problem so far. I had it crash several times on PCLinuxOS after compiling it myself. The issue was only the MPlayer-plugin was crashing it when trying to play .mov files on trailers.apple.com. Re-installed the plug-in… no more problems.
On the other platforms I am using it on: Windows and Mac…. not so much as a hiccup.
I got no stability troubles with casual web browsing but trying to play with SVG on this site:
got me crashes and hard lock when asking for full display fo svg files (FF1.5 on OSX1.4).
I got also some strange troubles with my gmail account refusing to open a mail from times to times. I t is not clear is this is goggle or FF because I have no problems with Safari.
Anybody that says they’ve NOT experienced problems with FireFox is delusional.
thx for calling me delussional…
I’m seeing CPU usage spike up to 92 or 94%, then stay there. This is on two different machines. I tend to heavily use tabbed browsing, which I expect to use more memory, but not to cause this. Even when all requests are complete, CPU stays up. Closing tabs does not seem to help. If this isn’t fixed soon, I’ll be looking at an alternate browser or going back to a prior version, since this really holds up the ability to work on the machine while the browser is open.
I am running Ubuntu 5.10, and I recently installed the generic Linux 686 version of Firefox 1.5, because I was having problems with the 1.07 version that shipped with Ubuntu. Well, I’m still having problems. I will go to certain websites, like QRZ.com (to look up an Amateur Radio callsign), and I get a core dump and Firefox vanishes. This happens over and over, every day. I don’t know if the stability problem is related to Firefox, or if there’s a problem with the Ubuntu-compiled shared libs. Either way, I’m about –| |– close to switching over to something else, anything else, to get some stability!
Just visted QRZ.com and was able to use the site OK. I am using Firefox 1.0.7 on Ubuntu Breezy 5.10.
I’ve noticed an increase in problems since 1.5
I get a crash when saving certain files to certain directories on a download.
The memory issue, when you have a lot of pages loaded for a long period of time, seems to bring the system to a crawl (this is something I noticed with Opera 8.5 as well).
The flakiness of pdf files has always been an issue for me with firefox, so I always just save the pdf file first before trying to load it (when possible).
Hopefully the fixes are quick to come.
I get a crash when saving certain files to certain directories on a download.
Haven’t heard of this with any operating system before. Normally if the disk or filesystem you are saving to is full you will get an error message. What OS are you using?
The memory issue, when you have a lot of pages loaded for a long period of time, seems to bring the system to a crawl (this is something I noticed with Opera 8.5 as well).
This is normally because you have used up all available RAM and are running off of virtual memory, i.e. your hard disk. Check to see if your HD light comes on everytime you do something with the browser. More RAM will help but is a temporary patch ; a memory leak will eat that too, it just takes more time.
The flakiness of pdf files has always been an issue for me with firefox, so I always just save the pdf file first before trying to load it (when possible).
I can load PDF files with any of 3 different helper application programs instead of using a plugin, but you aren’t the only one having trouble with that. Sorry I don’t have anything helpful to suggest other than using a helper rather than a plugin.
On Win-2k I haven’t had any problem at all. On Win-Me with USB keys/mouse I have to double-click on links about half the time. The KB/sec indication when resuming downloads from the original link shows 60-120KB/sec which is clearly wrong. I use FF when I want to use flash or javascript or bypass Proxomitron. Sometimes I use IE with everything turned off.
Like most everyone else, I’m getting an irritating number of errant crashes. After combing the Mozilla Forums, it seems that the main reason is 1.5 isn’t handling extensions well. I followed everything required –deleted the profile, completely clean install, re-established all the extensions (not many) and bookmarks, and it still crashed, often when checking yahoo mail (which, for a browser, isn’t acceptable).
The general response is “try it in safe mode, go to the same pages you had open, and see if it crashes again. If not, it’s an extension.” This did work, but as soon as I went back in under regular 1.5, it crashed upon opening. Uninstalling one of my extensions seemed to help some (I had a Bookmark All extension, and 1.5 does that for you –maybe a conflict).
I’ve never been able to get in the swing of things with Opera; I use Firefox because I LIKE its configurability. Since Opera went free, I’ve tried it a couple times, and downloaded it again when these problems started, but it’s not nearly as user-friendly/configurable. (At least, I don’t know the tricks to it, and don’t feel like learning now, too busy).
But if this is an extension problem, it raises a question: The extensions are maintained by third parties who submit them to Firefox. Were the maintainers not getting their updates right, or was Firefox supposed to be checking itself against these extensions beforehand? And if it’s not specifically one extension, could it be a combination of extensions? In which case you’re talking about thousands of combinations that could never be adequately tested.
I’ve been experiencing the permanent 100% CPU spike bug. Those who think we’re just complaining about a little cpu usage don’t understand. It goes to 100%, becomes unusable, and stays there until I kill it. Its a bug and it happens with certain sites (like the O’Reily Network sites for me). But it only happens on my home computer and not my work computer, so there is something very complex about this bug. I still love firefox though.
I noticed that firefox needs alot of memory sometimes >100 MB; and I noticed unability to open web pages that will open in IE but after a while, so firefox doesn’t wait longer untill it gives you the 404 message like IE. But I should admit that hitting F5 will sometimes succed to open these web pages.
Finally I don’t care about these things because the browser gives me a noble thing of protecting me more that IE online.
I had some of these problems listed, but with firefox 1.0, not 1.5. Like all of a sudden it would crash when visiting a yahoo page or some page with flash. Or after quitting I had to manually quit the firefox.exe process before using firefox again. That problem was caused by java applets.
Well after upgrading to 1.5, the 2nd problem is gone. But I still saw a couple of crashes due to the flash plugin. So I disabled it and no longer saw crashes. I reinstalled it from scratch and haven’t seen a crash so far.
>Like all of a sudden it would crash when visiting a yahoo page or some page with flash.
I have a hunch that most of reported problems with high memory usage are due to stupid flash ads. Animated gif, java are also obvious suspects. I use Flashblock, it’s a must. I also turn off Java, and animations–Prefbar extension is great for that. Never had any problems, crashes happen, but only after hours of really heavy use.
To everyone having problems – I would suggest trying to go without extensions for a day to see if they are causing the problems, because I think they are. It’s annoying that something like that won’t work, but it’s usually less annoying to get rid of a bad extension than it is to keep it aound and deal with the problems it causes. Be sure to complain to whomever is developing the bad extension, so that they know it is causing problems.
I’ve actually had better luck with 1.5 than with 1.0.x. The only real problem I’ve had with 1.5 is a memory leak, and even that seems to be better than it used to be in the older version. Memory seems to go up to 150MB FAST, and then slow down after that, leading me to think there is some kind of caching going on. But even after that it keeps growing – I had it up to about 250MB once after about a weeks worth of surfing.
I switched to Opera. Previously I used Firefox but after the installation of 1.5 Firefox won’t start anymore. And if the installation routine has a bug that’s very very bad.
I’ve noticed a few of the problems, killing an errant instance of FireFox before I could load a new instance.
I’ve never had issues with PDF, but occasionally FF chews on a site and locks up for a few seconds, sometimes for a few minutes. But never permanently. And always in a random manner.
But memory usage is not something I worry about. It’s high, but nothing like what the screenshot showed.
There is nothing in 1.5 which makes an upgrade worthwhile. If you don’t have major issues with 1.0.7 then stick to it. I cannot see any speed difference, or less memory usage or anything important.
I’ll chime in with my experience then. I have Firefox 1.5 installed on both mine and my wife’s computer and both of us usually open 3-5 tabs to start off with and generally leave those tabs open. My wife goes off to work with Firefox using 30 odd megs. When she gets back, and this is without her computer being used the entire time, the memory usage has spiked to over 60 megs. If she leaves it running (which I always caution her to restart it when she gets back) then by morning it’ll be taking over 100 megs. Which on her computer with 256 megs of ram is unacceptable. This is with only the WeatherFox extension installed. On my computer I have a few more extensions installed and I notice similar memory creeping. I’ve since ditched Firefox in favour of Opera 9 TP1. It has a few quirks but I deal with them as I expect they will be fixed by the time the final is released.
Oh and both my wife and I run into 100% cpu usage if a page invokes the dreaded flash plug-in in Firefox.
On a XP pro 64-bit edition box here it works fine and fast without *any* problems.
I’ve never really had too much of a problem with firefox. They’re more like annoyances to me, but the things that I’ve experienced are
1. Firefox not opening because of a rogue firefox process
2. adobe not really feeling right
Memory use has never been a problem. I checked it as I was reading the article: 45 MB approx.
Others I’m sure have worse problems. Nonetheless, I still feel more stable in firefox. I can easily kill the process without fear.
I can’t wait for IE7 That will give me something to compare to.
Haven’t seen memory leaks but the Slackware-provided Firefox 1.5 (on the CD) crashes about every 4th time it is started.
Maybe a downloaded version directly from Mozilla.com would be better but if it isn’t, I’m going back to 1.0.7 which was much better.
I hate to be off-topic, but does anyone know of any extension/add-on that can provide functionality like the “Gmail Delete Button” extension in another browser?
If I could get that to work in Camino or Opera or Safari, I’d probably switch until they get the 1.5 bugs ironed out.
In windows it fine I have it installed on all my windows computers, but then when it comes to linux its pure beta and it awful.
–Bookmarks Menu has a bug which the hover will just go crazy,
–Atleast once a day firefox will just freeze, stop browsing webpage, and then I have to kill the firefox process before it works again. (Closes out of the window doesn’t do it)
–Finally newegg and firefox 1.5 is awful to just really really slow browsing, yes newegg site isn’t the fastest with firefox or atleast my machine but the site with fx 1.5 was just dam awful.
Microsoft must be licking their chops. These claims seem to be very serious ones to considor.
I totally jumped the gun on this. I got mixed up and apologize. I need to have a drink.
Edited 2005-12-21 20:48
I tend to be very critical related to buggy software. So far I have not experienced one single
crash of Firefox 1.5
– under Gentoo Linux 2.6.13 r3
– Windows 2000 SP4
Version 1.07 crashed nearly daily under Linux.
The same problems I’m having with Opera 8.51 except it doesn’t have as bad a memory problem.
No problems for me so far. They did make a change in the way XUL <tree>s work that broke my XUL app. However, it took about half an hour fix so it works both in 1.0 and 1.5.
My fault for not properly testing my app when the RC’s came out.
“1. HUGE amounts of memory leaked/used
2. LOTS of “Server could not be reached” errors. To the tune of FOUR today!
3. slower launch
4. a few random crashes, usually when the page loads a plugin like quicktime or WMP.
I still use it, but the concerns ARE valid.”
I have the same problems. Sometimes I use IE. What else could I do?
In my Win XP SP2 setup, I have been seeing those problems. I can only go a short time before my CPU jumps to over 50%, and then starts hitting 100%. Then the whole box slows to a crawl forcing a quit. And like the article says, I often have to go into the task manager to completely close the firefox.exe. And it is chewing up a good deal of memory. This is all happening after I’ve turned off Flash and Java.
I still use firefox for certain sites, but mostly stick to Opera 8 – which has always “felt” lighter (i’ve used it since version 3) – and i love how opera includes so many things firefox needs extensions for (mainly mouse gestures).
I’ve been using FF 1.5 since the pre-release and haven’t had a problem. Yes, maybe it needs a little more memory but the other seven reasons are false, at least for me and my friends!!
This is the best browser available nowdays.
So because you don’t have any problems, other people’s bug report are FUD?
Do you actually read what you post?
FC4 i386 and x86_64. (Compiled SRPMs)
No crashes yet.
A. FF hangs from time to time for a ~30 seconds and returns to normal.
B. Site could not be reached. Same sites work just fine under 1.07 and konqueror.
I’ve yet to report any bugs. I’ll waiting for new Rawhide SRPMs before reporting any problems.
Firefox under Fedora 5 Test 1 caused me so many problems I have switched to using Konqueror for the time being. It is hard for me to say if it is an issue with Firefox (as this is not the final release of 1.5) or the configuration of the Distro beta.
Firefox is frequently locking up after only short periods of use and has to be killed.
Hopefully, all will be resolved when Fedora 5 is released.
I run 1.5beta on Windows XP, and 1.07something on OpenBSD -current. Both are slightly outdated, but work exceptionally well.
Under Windows XP, my theme and many extensions work and update automaticly; sun jre works; multimedia works all inline. It did not crash yet, but takes a bite out of memory (currently with 7 tabs open: 19M/50M MemUsage/VMsize). Startup time is excellent, even with the SessionManager-extension.
Under OpenBSD -current, i have exactly the same theme and extensions working, and they update automaticly; sun jdk works, extensions play nice with mplayer and all multimedia works (only flash is handled by a lousy outdated stand-alone app). OpenBSD’s malloc-protections made it crash once; memory usage with 7 tabs is 26M total (text/data/stack segments). Startup time is excellent, even with the SessionManager-extension.
My previous experiences with older versions of Firefox were a lot worse.
But the last 6 months it was almost flawless so you won’t hear me bitch about Firefox. For me, it’s a more convenient browser than Opera, Konqueror or IE. It only needs decent userland-integration like Konqueror
I have been using firefox 1.5 since the RC days under windowsXP and have no problemes with it what so ever. I use it at work and in sparetime so I get to spent som hours with it. In my opinion the memory usage is not that different from opera or mozilla and I use a lot of extensions.
Just installed it on my debian box and no problemes here either.
No problems at all. Lots of extensions, mandriva 2006, installed downloading the compiled version keeping the original mandriva one, simlinked the old plugins to the new plugins directory, with new 1.5 java (installed separately and also simlinked), in athlon box, just fine…
adblock, all-in=one sidebar, del.icio.us, google toolbar, sage, stop-or-reload button, scrapbook, stumbleupon, tabbrowser preferences and many others…
Keep it openned for days, lots of tabs, no 100% processor hungs, fast browser, even the site with svg a guy complained before is fine… better experience than the previous version…
(don’t have lots of physical memory also, just 512 mb in machine)
just my impression…
guess need to think about the possibility of plugins (and even windows) causing some of the problems mentioned…
used in work also the mac os x version, in a new powermac, no problems either…
I’ve only had one real problem on Linux, which is very high CPU usage when animated content is on the screen, or flash content. Depending on the content, Firefox uses anywhere between 50% and 90% of the CPU. And that’s not peak usage. That is steady usage. That doesn’t seem right to me.
I’ve had one other weird problem too, although I have only seen it once. I noticed that I was recieving massive amounts of data over my cable modem while Firefox was running, but nothing was actually loading. It was about 2 Mb of data. When I closed Firefox, I instantly stopped getting data. I thought maybe it was an auto-update or something, but when I restarted Firefox, the update history showed nothing, and so far, it has never attempted to restart the update if that’s what it was.
I thought that was a little odd.
Edited 2005-12-21 22:35
i have noticed this problem with flash content but not with something as simple as gif animations. maybe you can define a bit more what you put under the context of animated content.
i have a feel its related to the plugin interface or the plugins themselfs. therefor its limited what the mozilla coders can do about it.
as for the data load, could it be that you triggerd some sort of prefetch of other pages or similar?
i really enjoy and appreciate what mozilla has done. looking forward to next release already. will donate money to mozilla asap, been a little low on cash over the last year.
..noticed no decrease in performance or stability. Firefox loads quicker and seems to handle graphically intense pages better.
I had a few miner issues relating to old third-party plugins, but they’re now sorted.
Memory use is high, but it doesn’t bother me that much – although I would like to see it sorted!
Just adding my spam to the list.
I don’t use extensions and I installed 1.5 clean on a Win2k machine. I can’t use FF to read PDFs, which made me look like a dope in front of a co-worker once. The 100% CPU usage thing happens even when Flash isn’t even installed.
I can see PDFs perfectly with Firefox 1.5 + Reader 7.0. Check in about:plugins if it’s enabled.
It is enabled, but it’s pointing to Acrobat 5.0, which I’ve long since replaced. Thanks!
Doesn’t change the fact that it’s a bug, but hey, solves *my* problem!
I am have been running 1.5 for a while now on Slackware and have had no problems at all.
I used the version straight from the Firefox site not the Slackware packages version.
I seems to start faster and render faster than the 1.0.X series did.
BTW, I don’t use any plug-ins except Flash.
No {censored} Sherlock.
My experiences with gecko based browsers – ALL of them have been a bit LESS than positive. They leak memory like a sieve, can bog down to chewing nearly 100% cpu while the only page displayed is google, execute javascript slower than basic on a 4mhz XT, and generally speaking fall way short of all the hype that have surrounded them the past few years. EVERY release so far has been too buggy and unreliable for daily use on my part on ANY system I’ve tested on ANY OS (including Be, Linux, OS X and XP). If it’s only a ‘handful’ of machines that are effected, my customers and I must have the worst luck in that all of our machines have ALL of the same issues listed in the article.
… and after my experience with bugzilla and the developers unwillingness to seriously address the problem (to the point of them suggesting using a ‘state saver’ so you just let it crash then resume as the ‘solution’) I’m pretty much done with Firefux, Mozilla and the rest except for my basically having it shoved down my throat for website compatability testing… (which is the ONLY reason I’ve even tried most all the releases) and in fact have been actively campaigning against it as the amatuerish garbage it truly is.
It is BAD when the ‘better’ browser actually has made IE look good (in my and my customers experiences at least)… and thankfully we now have even better options in the form of Opera and (in some cases at least) Safari… I’ll not be surprised when IE7 and Opera 9 relegate this open sore atrocity to the handful of linux die-hards who will sit there using an inferior product just because it’s trendy.
Could be worse though, could be Netscape or AOL’s integrated browser…
None of the reports I read said “I’ve just performed a clean install of Windows XP SP2, with all Microsoft’s critical patches and I’m still experiencing Firefox problems”. I wonder how many of these “problems” are related to a b0rked Windows install.
My GF runs 1.5 on her laptop and I haven’t heard of any problems (believe me, she would tell me if there were).
Only issue I have is with my bookmarks menu occasionally flashing when my mouse if hovering over a folder in the list.
I never had any problems with any of the Firefox versions either on Windows or Linux.
It takes a little longer to get up and running but after that it does it smoothly.
I also use Opera, and one of the cool things it’s that i could move tabs. Now I can do that with Firefox 1.5.
For someone that has 10-20 tabs open with different subjects it’s pretty cool to organize tabs.
When it comes to CPU usage it never passed 50% even when it’s playing Flash and I only have 512Mb.
About the question:
we published a story that wondered: Firefox 1.5: Not Ready For Prime Time?
If it’s not what browser is?
Raúl Alves
How much RAM is installed on your PC ?????
1 gig.
I’m using 1.5 since it was released with no problems, but I have friends who have claimed about freezes and memory issues…
Of course Firefox is far from perfect, but it’s still the best choice, IMHO.
….random crashes, server not responding messages from pages that load instantly in other browsers, memory and CPU usage spikes, freezeups….some of which take down the whole operating system with them (Both Windows and Linux), website incompatibility…I want to like Firefox, and put ALOT of stock in this new release to forwarding adoption of open source softare. BUT, it’s garbage. Adblock is the only thing keeping me using it.
I much prefer Konqueror (and even Dillo) under Linux, but under Windows it is still sadly the best choice. I haven’t had very good luck with Opera, but I’m wondering if I should give it another shot.
I installed 1.5 and after about 2 hours usage went back to 1.0.7.
Bascially after surfing the web and opening/closing lots of tabs I got up to about 1GB or ram been used by firefox, even with just a single page open! :O (Thank god I have 2GB in this machine)
Anyhow I also noticed that this made my whole system a bit sluggish as well as downloading stuff via Firefox came to a crawl. Closing firefox and killing any firefox.exe processes seemed to make my system perk up again.
So sticking to 1.0.7 until 1.5.1 or something is release!
I thought my Hillbilly Window$-Centric ISP was playing with me. When my connections kept dropping.
I cannot use Firefox for longer than 10 minutes or the stupid “Server could not be reached” errors crop up
Enable Persistant connections doesnt work in Firefox.
Does any one know of another NON-GEKO based browser besides DILLO which also works fine for me.
I wvev tried a Wearher applet to keep the connection active. I found the problem was not my isp or my connection but the Firefox Browser.
If you’re using a real OS there’s khtml. Well, I doubt there’s khtml on skyOS or any of the other “hobby” OS’s yet but you know what I meant .
Has everyone tried uninstalling the old firefox before installing the new one?
This seems like the obvious first thing to try to me.
Yes, its certianly not perfect. I run 1.5 anyway. It eats ram at times, but I have 1 gig of ram installed, so thats not generaly an issue. its a dot 0 release, so I expect some bugs. I am confident the Firefox team will resoblve them tho. Ive been through similar problems with IE 6.0, remember thoes?
Firefox is not exactly what it promises to be. It’s no longer my browser of choice… Moving to Opera now. And you should do the same.