“What possible rivalry could there be between two companies, out of which one has been founded over 30 years ago and is running the global software show, while the other is just seven years old and has the purpose to help users search the dense jungle of today’s Internet? If we were talking about any other companies, I would have advised you to bet on the first one, but when we’re talking about Microsoft and Google, no rules apply.”
Trying to parse that excerpt made my ears bleed.
Nice metaphors in the article lol.
The best thing about Google though? Google is FAAAAAR from done
Soon Google will take over the world! lol I’m sure if that DID happen a lot of people wouldn’t mind đ
I do agree with the fact that Microsoft is EXTREMELY paranoid. Why should a Operating System (primarily) company be threatened by an Internet searching engine? As far as I know, Google is not planning on making its own OS any time soon….. or at all
Office productivity suites? maybe, but not OSes. Even if Google were to hypothetically steal the ENTIRE Office market, MS would still lose very little money as the bulk of MS’s cash comes from OSes and OEM vers of XP.
MS fears change, change is good though
What do you guys think?
actually, Windows and Office are the only 2 MS products to make any real money, so losing Dominance in the Office market would be quite a blow to MS, why settle for 1 Cash Cow when you can have 2?
That is true Andrew, However I read from a report that MS’s OS sales are the REAL big bucks. MS could afford, though obviously not be happy about, to lose a good chunk of their Office Money. When I said the entire market, that was hypothetical of course
Doesn’t really matter though, the facts are that MS has (when i say MS I’m talking about key members, not the corporation) stated in the past their extreme dislike for Google, Open Source, and all sorts of other stuff that many people would not really care about. For example, how many people could honestly tell me that Google is a plague and deserves to die? If you don’t like Google, DON’T GO TO GOOGLE.COM! lol
No one should feel threatened by something that you can stay away from, imho.
Out of Microsoft’s 7 divisions, Windows and Office are the only two profitable ones.
Really, how many times are we going to see stories about Microsoft fearing Google? Once again another company has beat Microsoft to an important field Microsoft didn’t realize was so big… It’s happened before, and Microsoft has cheated and bullied their way into first place.
Google seems to be branching out an awful lot lately yes, and it seems to have positioned itself as the champion of all computer nerddom, but I’m getting tired of everyone ascribing their dream plans to Google.
Google lacks substance! Its stocks are ludicrously over priced, they do not have any substantial products (what do they really sell?) where is their market share? All I have heard is âGoogle has all these like rad ideaâs and stuffâ but I havenât seen anything revolutionary out of them. Just a slight change in the way people use the internet can and will cause Google to collapse under its own weight. I fear investors are going to loose a lot of cash when the mother of dot bombs explode.
Is about the same as Red Hat’s / VA Linux’s future I suspect. Their present stock value does not reflect reality. It is artificially inflated because it is a fad stock. But just like Red Hat, VA, I suspect there inflated stock will come crashing down once the reality sets in and the fad wears off. After all, lets not forget that that VA Linux stock today is worth less that 1/150th of it’s artificially inflated peak value.
One very common marketing strategy has been for a company to announce new or improved products at the time of a competing company’s product launch. If done well, a press release generates a lot of free advertising in the form of news coverage. If done very well, some of the competing products sales are diminished.
I would love to see Google unleash something big right when MS is ready to release either Vista or Office12. Apple or Sun could try to do the same of course, but I don’t think anyone could steal MS’s thunder like Google.
Google is a drug, drugs are bad. Mmmkay
Heh, someone can’t take a joke. Anyway, it had an underlying point. Everything aventually wears off.
In all honesty, Microsoft probably wanted to do everything Google is doing but at the time could not due to social restraints. Remember Microsoft’s passport initiative? It failed, but not for technical reasons. If Microsoft was the first to start doing what Google is doing (actively collecting all sort of private information, archiving it, data-mining it, etc.), you would have heard screams from everyone and everywhere. You would have people crying out for laws to stop Microsoft. People would have been scared to use the internet. Microsoft needed a “cool” company to come and change social norms. Now that Google has made it socially allowable for companies to do this sort of thing, Microsoft is swooping in and doing the same. It’s amazing and sad how people’s blindness and hatred of Microsoft has allowed them to give the green light to corporations to datamine their entire lives. I don’t know or don’t care if Microsoft or Google will be on top in 20 years. Either way, we have lost because we have given a fundamental right away to corporations to abuse.
“he story would have probably ended here, and the Internet would have probably remained just an e-mail vehicle, if it wasn’t for one of the older brothers, who decided to take charge of its education and discipline…Google”
Now, say what you want about microsoft or google, but to suggest that the internet would have remained just email without google is just stupid. Google is by far my favourite search engine, but I think the internet would have been just fine with Yahoo or MSN search.
Not too mention:
google desktop: what percentage of users have this installed
IM: how many users have google talk vs Yahoo IM or MSN
Google is amazing. But really, the only thing they have right now is search. Most people don’t even care about gmail. They’re content with hotmail.
MS should be worried about google once google gets its product line out there. But this article is anything but convincing.
… go to Scroogle.com….
There is no scroogle.com…
Anyway, MS has huge fundings & i believe that even with the internet share taken away, there will still be other directions that MS can consider.
For example; Setting up of a division to build & install a solely owned PC or enterprise Server or creating a full featured OS which includes Anti-Virus & Anti-Spyware with Offices & other products that currently does not come with the OS package.
If there is anyone who dislike using Google.com as their primary search engine, they can always try Yahoo.com.. I myself prefer Yahoo.com to Google.com.
I find Yahoo.com more user-friendly.
If i am wrong, please correct me.
Ah Long
It would be great to go a whole week of surfing without reading about:
How Linux is ready for the desktop
How MS is skeeeered of Google
MSN turns a profit now (and has over the last year)
Microsoft have at least 4 divisions (not 2) that have been profitable over the last year.
Shame when even OSNews editors spout years out of date anti MS propaganda.
This article read like a fairy tale because it is one. Remember Novell Netware? Remember how people said MS would never beat it?
If you’re foolhardy enough to believe Google’s any tougher, you can put your money where your mouth is and buy one or two Google shares with your life savings.