“Yes, the day is finally upon us. As I promised when I announced our future development plans, here’s the actual Galeon 2.0 release. Its’ been about 3 years and 8 months since work began on the 1.3.x development series and it’s been unofficially stable for about half that time – so this acknowledgement of that fact is well past due.”
My favourite Linux browser gets a 2.0 behind it’s name 🙂
It’s been so long that I doubt few people care.
I used Galeon 2+ years ago, and it was good. Then it stopped moving forwards, and (like most users) I moved on. I can not see the current rate of development indicating that things will change any time soon – easiest to stick with Firefox/Epiphany + extensions.
There is no need to be so pessimistic, if you are going to criticise at least try to make it constructive.
It’s been so long that I doubt few people care.
Is this some sort of authoritive statement? Look if KDE make some progress I am always happy as a Gnome user as the competetition between them benefits me as an end user, regardless of whether I have ever booted a KDE desktop in my life. Same with browsers.
Galeon serves me very well and I for one congratulate them on this milestone.
The reason few (Galeon) users care is because we were very dissatisfied with the ‘dumbing down’ of Galeon-1.2 that became Galeon-1.3 … 1.2 scored points because it was a stable light browser, years before Firefox arrived, with the right balance between ‘just the web’ browsing and power-user features. 1.3 is to many a useless ‘drool-proof’ version that dropped all the customizable preferences that gave Galeon the edge in being an efficient-to-work-with browser (choosing a download manager, customizable toolbars, a proper full-screen mode, …)
To my knowledge, NetBSD’s pkgsrc is the only place that still provides Galeon-1.2 on a current system– and that’s only because a few right people kicked up a stink about it being removed for a short while during the gtk1 purge.
Yeah, Galeon 1.2 was the browser of choice back in the day. It was amazing just how much better it was than Mozilla and all the others. I suffered through 1.3 for a bit until I discovered Firefox+extensions.
You can see how amazing Galeon was when you consider the number of extensions it takes to get a current Firefox to ol’ Galeon level. Mouse gestures, movable tabs, all sorts of things were built-in. It’s only with Firefox 1.5 that we get movable tabs.
Remind me again why anybody should care? Why can’t GNOME integrate Firefox and focus their browser development effort toward this?
> Why can’t GNOME integrate Firefox
Mozilla are integrating Firefox with GNOME, gradually.
Galeon is not Gnome’s browser. Epiphany is. Complain at them.
…and a useless calculator app in beta.
the only reason i consider using galeon is the tab behavior. scroll wheel to move between tabs and tabs open to the immediate right of window. if fir efox can do this there will be no question.