Engineers at Apple Computer have recently compiled the first builds of Mac OS X 10.4.4, the fourth in a series of several maintenance updates planned for the company’s Mac OS X 10.4 “Tiger” operating system over the next 10 months, tipsters tell AppleInsider.
wow, must be a really slow news day at that site.
As a massive Apple fan, I admit I did find this news slightly interesting when it was first posted on AppleInsider. However, I have to wonder what on Earth it is doing, being posted here?
Basically it boils down to this. Software company X has compiled the first builds of version B of their software Y. However, we don’t know anything new about this build, and we guess it might be out by Christmas.
So really, can anyone explain to me how this of any interest to the vast majority of people here, and more importantly, how it is “Exploring the future of computing?”
In other news, Microsoft compiled yet another build of Vista today, and iniCom.Networks compiled a new build of FlashFXP!
OK.. nice to know…
When the hell is the mactel comming out?
And what version of X is going to be on it?
I’ve heard it’s going to run OS X for Intel
…Linux Is Poo is right. Is this really worthy to be posted on OSNews?
No matter what it brings, there is no way it can even compete with the last update (10.4.3) and will probably contain minor fixes that they did not completely fix with .3 or just didn’t feel were important enough for .3.
Oh well, I guess I am having a slow day as well just to bother commenting about this.
Actually, there were a ton of good (read “more news worthy”) articles/updates on OSNews today so we probably shouldn’t complain.
Supposedly, this will be the release that Apple thinks is equalizing the two lines of development.
But what exactly does that mean? There was so little information provided by the article. How are the two lines so divergent?
AFAIK Mac OS X has always been built on Intel, since it was NeXTSTEP! The builds should be more or less the same, altho’ the Intel version could probably have been maintained a bit more leisurely since there was no deadline to have it out the door. Still, I should think the vast majority of the code is portable, and only the underlying compilers, some of the drivers and probably the core graphics need to be specially tweaked. And if they have a team in place already doing that, why should it be such a big deal?
The OS was designed to be portable to begin with. I think for the article to even suggest it is a convergence they should have provided more detail.
Have to agree with poo on this one. I wonder why people keep modding him so much for his comments. I just dont get it! Lame!
Because Linux crybabies can’t handle a difference of opinion (my name).
Why do you have to have a name that some people are offended by? If you don’t like Linux that’s fine… call your self JimBobSmith for all I care and voice your opinion on how you feel about Linux. But you’re not going to be taken as seriously as you could had you just have a neutral name.
Its just seems so close minded on your part to pick that name. I am not sure if its a joke or you just want attention but its just seems below the level of stupid.