“After using Smoothwall Express 2.0 for years and now testing out v3.0 alpha I can conclude that this product is shaping up to become even more fantastic than I ever thought it could be. It gives power to the end user, allows them to decide how to control their network and makes it easy to do so. The new GUI (web based interface) is much clearer, easier to read, and provides more information about what is going on.”
pfSense spanks all other F/OSS firewalls asses. If you don’t check it out you’re doing yourself a disservice.
I’ve been running smoothwall on a couple boxes for about 3 years and the best part about it is how it “just works”. I built one little firewall box for someone and because of the simplicity of smoothwall, they’ve been able to manage it themselves for two years; I just log in whenever there’s a patch and update it for them.
IPCop has all the features of both the commercial and free versions of smoothwall and the WHOLE thing is GPL.
i want to have randall’s baby
Does SmoothWall 3.0 provides CPU and Memory usage graphs ?