Apache 2 mod_deflate Benchmark

“Are you ready to take a look at a fairly new technology that promises you to save bandwidth? Maybe you’re even more interested when the promises range from a 50% to a 80% amount of savings? Jump in, and take the ride to see if it works out as well as you were promised. I’m going to take a walk down Apache 2 server lane and benchmark mod_deflate in a real life situation instead of a synthetic setup.”


  1. 2005-10-24 10:30 am
    • 2005-10-24 2:44 pm
  2. 2005-10-24 12:18 pm
  3. 2005-10-24 12:48 pm
  4. 2005-10-24 2:13 pm
    • 2005-10-24 2:48 pm