Benoit Schillings, co-creator of the Be operating system (first engineer employee in 1992, creator of the BeOS app_server among other things) and former CTO of Openwave, has been appointed to the newly created position of chief technology officer (CTO) at Trolltech. In the meantime, Trolltech has also joined the new mobile OSDL initiative.
“Mr. Schillings was a principal contributor to the launch of Be Incorporated, where he designed, developed and implemented the technically acclaimed BeOS.”
I like that sentence
Tell him to visit
Maybe he will drop a tear! BeOS is not dead.
I’d say it’s a safe bet he’s at least aware of it’s existance.
I am !
— benoit
why are they modding you down ?
Who is aware of the existence of Haïku nowadays ?
They’re Trolltech Trolls, that’s why
It’s very likely that Benoit Schillings will bring over a lot of his way of doing things, etc. into everything he touches. Now, whether or not that’s a “Good Thing (TM)” will be determined by history.
There are some neat things done in the BeOS app_server, but there are also some rather curious WTF’s in there as well. Hopefully, the good will be reused in the future in code and design, and the WTF’s will be remembered and carefully avoided.
Let me know about the WTF
I certainly do have my list of ooops
You can always mail me at
— benoit
Good luck in your new job!
why are they modding you down ?
Who is aware of the existence of Haïku nowadays ?
Congratulations and good luck to Benoit. Here’s hoping he’s able to contribute to QT’s further excellence.
I was always a Gnome guy myself, but recently I’ve been very excited to see what the KDE devs are up to with Plasma.
But now with Benoit onboard at Trolltech, I’m really really excited.
Benoit Schillings. Goodness. I actually remember his name from many years ago.
Trolltech look as if they are really pulling out some stops and at least have some vision for where they want to head. Good for them.
Seems like Trolltech is alive and kicking these days.
Where is Jean Quereu then? still there?
I’m still at Openwave, and I do not intend to go anywhere (and the US immigration laws don’t give me the option to stay in the US if I don’t continue working for Openwave anyway).
Get your stock while you can. And sell and run.
This company has no future especially hiring the builders of spectacular market failures.
I found this post very stupid!
Trolltech now can have a better future because it have another good developer (dot).
About the Be Inc. market failure, there are many reasons, Microsoft, the focus-shift, the sales man, etc. but not the Be Staff for technical knowledge.
Maybe with another CEO, like the CEO of yellowTAB, not only the BeOS can have a future, but also Be Inc..
> Maybe with another CEO, like the CEO of yellowTAB, not only the BeOS can have a future, but also Be Inc..
With all the “attention” the guy at Yt is calling , this can change to RESOLVED
Be Status: Input Acknowledged
BeOS Version: R3.2
Component: unknown
Full Description:
The BeOS needs a megalomaniacal egomaniac sitting on its throne to give it a human character which everyone loves to hate. Without this, the BeOS will languish in the impersonifiable realm of OSs that people can never quite get a handle on. You can judge the success of an OS not by the quality of its features, but by how infamous and disliked the leaders behind them are.
I believe this is a side-effect of developer comraderie under miserable conditions. After all, misery loves company. I believe that making the BeOS less conceptually accessible and far less reliable will require developers to band together, thus developing the kind of community where strangers talk to one-another, kind of like at a grocery store before a huge snowstorm.
Following this same program, it will likely be necessary to move the BeOS headquarters to a far-less-comfortable climate. General environmental discomfort will breed this attitude within and there truly is no greater recipe for success. I would suggest Seattle, but I think it’s already taken. You might try Washington, DC, but definitely not somewhere like San Diego or Tucson.
— gabriel
Does that means we will see a 3D Sound Mixer for Qt?