IronPython is the codename for an alpha release of the Python programming language for the .NET platform. It supports an interactive interpreter with fully dynamic compilation. It is well integrated with the rest of the framework and makes all .NET libraries easily available to Python programmers.
Isn’t this kind of a pointless project? “.net” is Windows -only, unless you use a hack like “mono”, so “.net” is a poor framework with which to get involved. Better to stick with C, Java, etc.
how so? because if you were doing .net programming but wanted to use Python, IronPython would be a great tool to use.
with this all roads lead to redmond. Thats the issue. You are no longer “independent”.
Yeah, all roads lead to redmond, except those leading to Java, Linux, the BSDs, OS/2, Solaris, OpenVMS, etc.
(Python runs on these platforms too.) Personally, I think IronPython is a great thing for people who want to go the .NET route, but still leave themselves a decent exit strategy. Sure, your code may end up relying on the .NET libraries, but at least your core logic will be written in an extremely portable language.
You really shouldn’t underestimate the degree to which library dependencies make it unprofitable to retarget a codebase that wasn’t designed to accomodate transitions to other platforms. Coupling your code to the class libraries available on the CLR isn’t meaningfully different from coupling your code to the class libraries available on the JVM, or writing your program to depend on frameworks available only on Windows.
Dynamic languages for the CLR will always suffer bidirectional interop hurdles with the static languages that dominate the platform. This will limit the usefulness of Python for developing class libraries on the platform, relegating it basically to a position of gluing relevant frameworks together to make applications. This really only encourages coupling Python code to library code that cannot be relied upon to be portable in the sense that it is available on platforms other than .NET.
It should also be pointed out that IronPython performs better than CPython because it can compile directly to .NET bytecode that does not require the Python interpretor to run. That’s another reason one might want consider IronPython.
But also, when you think about it, really this just amounts to porting Python to another platform. Just like Jython ports Python to Java (and has similar benefits to IronPython in that it can compile directly to Java bytecode that does not require the Python interpretor to run).
>>It should also be pointed out that IronPython >>performs better than CPython…
A far as I could see, it isn’t faster than Cpython. What’s more, in most cases it is much more slower.
However, I’ve never done any intensive testing. I just tested the speed of very simple code snippets, and they always come up being much slower in Ironpython than in Cpython.
This is not to criticize, IP is still in alpha, and performance optimization is always the last thing to do when creating a language implementation…
Your an idiot. Python happens to be an exteremly useful language, and being able to target the .NET framework with it is certainly useful for many people, such as myslef, who make a living developing custom Windows software solutions.
Think its useless? Then don’t use it. I doub’t you could code anything remotely interesing anyways.
Keep your ridiculous, uneducated, and idiotic statments to yourself you troll.
Mono has pretty much full support for .NET, except for Windows Forms which is pretty lackluster at the moment. On top of that it’s got loads of extra (especially Gnome) class libraries. Some languages are even developed especially for Mono (like Nemerle for example), .NET compatability is just a biproduct in those. Mono is most certainly not a “hack” or whatever you meant to imply with that word.…
(True == False) works now
Lol, yeah, if you want a language that is like python but isnt limiting itself to the bounds of python, try
I had to do a project where only .NET libs were available.. I had never touched .NET before.. Iron Python allowed me to carry it off within a day.. only armed with my Python skills..
Microsoft is teh evil!!1!
As nice as it is that there are so many languages that can be used with .NET, I have to agree with those that say you should stick with “native” .NET languages. I would even avoid second tier languages distriubuted with .NET, such as VC.NET and Realistically, I would stick with either VB.Net or C#. VC.Net is a kludge (since C-type languages will always struggle between ANSI C/C++ and the CLR with its Garbage Collection, etc). J# is the last way I would want to do Java development. It’s nice to know I can do Ruby.NET, but I am not going to be able to create an ASP.Net application with the code-behind in Ruby. And for me, that’s the end of the story.
why could you not use ruby in your page?
> why could you not use ruby in your page?
You should be able to, theoretically. Visual Studio .NET 2003/5 won’t help you do it though. If you really wanted to do it, you could write your code-behind in Ruby, compile it to IL (.NET assembly .dll) then write your .aspx front-end. With .NET, once the code is compiled it doesn’t matter what language it’s written in.
I don’t know, but it may be impossible to write inline code in your .aspx page using Ruby until a Ruby .aspx compiler is written. That’s a different thing than just a ruby compiler, which is already well underway. So I think you could write your code-behind in Ruby, and any inline-code in your .aspx page using C# or VB.NET or another language with an .aspx compiler.
I wonder why. Why wouldn’t you be able to use Ruby.Net for coding ASP.NET pages?
Any info whether IronPython will work inside Visual, for example to create applications with the webform designer etc?
IronPython is very interesting for GNOME/win32 portability (for those who don’t like mono for whatever reason). As regards language features python is pretty well equipped and using the gtk (+ ported gnome) stack it is imaginable to create applications that don’t use any .NET classes.
anyone interested in this should be warned. the souce code on the MS site won’t open/compile with 2003 – apparently it’s only compatible with a newer version
I believe this post is in error. It describes the IronPython project as being a programming language for the .Net platform. I believe the description you are looking for is, “Microsoft Visual Studio’s .NET” or perhaps even Microsoft’s .NET platform. My understanding is that IronPython has stopped working with any other platform since Microsoft purchased the head coder.
Dunno wtf you’re smoking, but it works under Mono.
It only “stopped working” because Mono has bugs with its generics implementation, that were promptly fixed when IronPython exposed them.
how does one run a script under linux with mono and ironpython?
The console is working nicely as a standalone app.
Thank god they fixed True == False, so my this code works. In
if True == False:
print “Your computer has no sense of right or wrong, and I can’t work on this conditions”
Last time I tried IronPython (I think it was the first release based on the .Net 2 beta) it wanted to contact an MS site each time I started up.
I don’t know if that’s the .Net library or IronPython, but it leaves me feeling rather uncertain. With all the stuff being written about ‘Trusted Computing’ do I want my fumblings with .Net to be broadcast to the world? I don’t think I trust the .Net/IronPython combo. It may all be entirely innocent, but if they want some usage statistics they could just ask.
robin at reportlab