“Thinking of migrating to the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 5.0, code-named Tiger? You’re not alone. Thousands of companies all over the world are giving J2SE 5.0 a try, and they like what they see. New language features, enhanced class libraries, better tool support, and desktop enhancements are just some of the reasons why many companies are making the switch. In this article, we talk with Li Moore, software engineer at Google, about his company’s switch from J2SE version 1.4 to 5.0.”
What I’m missing are some more and better layout managers. That’s one damn important thing for me. Fortunately there is Jgoodies, but why should I have to get extra packages just to build halfway decent looking GUI apps?
Agreed. Though I am looking forward to Netbeans 5 which will feature a really awesome Swing development feature set. I am rather irked that Swing has still not improved as much between 1.4 and 1.5. The annoying grey rectangle problem is still existant tho I hear that Mustang takes care of that problem.
Java 5.0 is not supported for my box (PPC Linux) so how could I consider switching, well actually I am switching to Ruby. But I’m just developing toy applications and the like so I guess Sun won’t care
What’s wrong w/ Netbeans? Too expensive?
What type of a shit answer was that? Do you even know what JGoodies is?
At work I’ve had a little bit of work with C# and a little bit of work with Java and I’ve gotta say that the for-each loops were one of the things I really missed when I started using Java more often.
Sure, it only saves a few lines of code, but it sure gets rid of a little of the monotony that inevitably comes along when coding.
http://www.netbeans.org/community/releases/50/index.html (matisse GUI builder)
In the adoption of j2sdk5.0 was that it took Eclipse literally ages to adopt it.
In the adoption of j2sdk5.0 was that it took Eclipse literally ages to adopt it.
If you mean the 3.1 final release, then yeah, it took about six months. They had stable milestone builds fairly early on though, so it wasn’t really necessary to wait for the final – I’d been using those for ages.
If you mean the 3.1 final release, then yeah, it took about six months.
JDK 5.0 was released September 2004. Eclipse 3.1 was released June 2005.