Two years after the East Coast version of the Macworld Expo made a controversial move to Boston, IDG World Expo is pulling the plug on the event. IDG announced plans in October 2002 to move the show from New York to Boston, with Apple Computer immediately announcing that it would not join IDG in the move. With Apple gone, attendance dropped substantially, prompting a move this year to the smaller Hynes Convention Center.
Is there anyone else besides IDG that didn’t see this comming?
I remember thinking back then what fools they were to make a move that left them without Apple participation. It all seemed pretty rediculous. I mean really, whats Macworld without Apple?
…Gone tomorrow. Altho’ maybe not. I mean, Apple popularity is growing so the convention can probably hold on like this for a few years, depending on Apple’s success.
It was deader than dead the day it moved from New York. I seem to remember there was some struggle between Apple and IDG. Might have been reminiscent of the whole “wanting its own way, and making others look bad when they don’t get it” thing Apple might have pulled in regard to switching from IBM to intel chips.
see if anything turns up.
Does anyone care? Probably not. Just look at the attendance and you’ll see that.
IDG screwed up, plain and simple.
What probably happened is previous Apple CEO’s help deferred the costs of staying in NYC and it wasn’t going to wash with Steve Jobs.
At the time of the move the only person who knew what was up in Apple’s immediate future was Steve Jobs. Apparantly he didn’t want to get stuck in a longterm contract, knowing what plans he had in store for the short term.
If IDG would have bet on Steve Jobs for the next few years and stayed in NYC, they would have made a killing right now with the iPod asscessories vendors and everything else around it.
Nobody really had a clue what Steve Jobs was up to, but that doesn’t mean the damage can be reversed and the expo moved back to NYC, but IDG probably still wants a handout. Apple most likely thought it would money better spent opening more stores, at least that turns a profit.
maybe something personal with SJ and the people at IDG
a reason why Apple didn’t go with AMD is Hector Ruiz and his hatred towards everything Apple. Hector was responsible for the eradication of almost all the Macs at Motorola. I like the performance of AMD. If they would only get a clue and make their own chipsets. Stupid. Looking forward to the new MacIntels to maybe replace my MDD. Its been running strong for a long time now.