Windows Server 2003 Compute Cluster Solution brings together the power of commodity x64 (64-bit x86) computers, the ease-of-use and security of Active Directory, and the Windows operating system to provide a secure and affordable high performance computing (HPC) solution.
Sounds pretty cool and the intergration into Active Directory will be useful, but Microsoft has to prove a lot for this to catch on and have people implement it.
Why in the world would anyone design/build a cluster based on the most bloated, insecure, inefficient system there is?
I mean, Internet Exploder on each cluster node – please?
Aside from the fact that this “article” is in fact just a fact sheet on the Microsoft website, and the summary is just a straight copy-paste from the first paragraph of said fact sheet, is anybody else severely underimpressed with this? I mean, OS X has Xgrid (and has for a -long- time). Many high-demand apps have built-in support for parallel operation (distcc, almost every 3d rendering app). What this seems to offer (after trudging through the marketspeak) is integration with Visual Studio, which I thought already had support for parallel compilation. Thus, I am led to believe that this allows one to develop clustering apps using Visual Studio, which is not exactly the most amazing development in the world of Windows-based software ever. A thoroughly boring “article”.
More LNUX news and less MSFT plz.
Suggested topics:
– when is a new kernel going to be released
– what’s the latest buzz on the LKML
– what news articles has LNUX been mentioned in today
– what new drivers have been made available
– when will the sheeple realize that LNUX is ready for the deskop
– etc.
Most of us here are serious techs and programmers who know just how bad MS really is.
“and the Windows operating system to provide a secure and affordable high performance computing (HPC) solution.”
anyone who believes or buys into the above quote has no idea what a true OS is. not to mention security or MS licensing.
“a secure and affordable high performance computing (HPC) solution”
Is this some kind of joke?
We all know how secure windows is (even win2k3).
Im sorry but Linux is much more effecent then windows when it comes to parallel applications on mulit CPU’s.
1 stupid glitch on some box would bring the whole thing down.
I gess AD/DC/IIS is getting so big and complex now that you need multi computers/CPU’s to run it, which is really sad.
Ohh ya, dont for get about that backup server, you know the 80:20 rule that M$ loves to talk about.
I agree.
“and the Windows operating system to provide a secure and affordable high performance computing (HPC) solution.”
anyone who believes or buys into the above quote has no idea what a true OS is. not to mention security or MS licensing.
None of this is a joke.
Windows 2003 is breathing fire straight up the ass of everyone at the moment. The only ones in denial are those out of touch.
Its so easy to kill any attempt of counter-arguing by saying “you have no clue if you do not agree”.
This forum is really deteriorating…
flame bait…ignore him…