ReactOS 0.2.7 has been released. The ReactOS homepage hasn’t been updated yet to reflect the release, but you can download it from their SourceForge page. You can get a live-CD, install CD and a Qemu-image. Update: screenshots.
ReactOS 0.2.7 has been released. The ReactOS homepage hasn’t been updated yet to reflect the release, but you can download it from their SourceForge page. You can get a live-CD, install CD and a Qemu-image. Update: screenshots.
With a little url guessing:
Thanks for the link. because it’s very slow at the moment, i’ve copied and pasted the first part:
With the release of 0.2.7 we, the ReactOS Team, have once again gained further compatibility with Microsoft Windows. We have aligned our headers with those of the Windows SDK which gives us a greater range of driver compatibility. We have also kept ourselves compliant with the latest GCC compiler which with our new build system provides a faster and more efficient building processing. We have elected a new UI coordinator and work has begun to redo the interfaces seen by the user. Many of our advancements aren’t obvious to the end user, but rest assured that the inter workings are coming together with work in USB, Plug and Play, and networking that will blow you away in our next release.
Main 0.2.7 Changes
Header clean up to compatible Windows SDK headers. Implemented and used NDK. ReactOS is now built with our own headers. Alex Ionescu, Filip Navara, Steven Edwards
New My computer, Command Prompt, and Logo Icons. Mindflyer
New build system called rbuild. Based on xml, it allows for auto generated makefiles. Casper Hornstup
Improved appearance of the first stage installer. Alex Ionescu
GCC 4.x.x build fixes. Thomas Weidenmueller, Alex Ionescu
Sounds like the next release should have some sort of USB support, and from the sounds of it, MUCH improved networking, so perhaps it will go on-line?
And to think this is also ported to the XBOX.
I am reactos commiter. So here is some info. The side is really slow right now, I hope that it is only overload and not been creacked again.
This release is mainly bug fixes, after the last really buggy release. We also got a nwe build system and new headers, but that is nothing a users are intersted in I guess. Furthermore there is a big optimization, the DIB engine (that is responceble for drawing) is now faster as XP’s. You can surf the internet (via network not modem, as you already could with 0.2.6) but you have to install a mozilla control to use ibrowser. I don’t remember the url. I have no idea why it is not preinstalled.
I also recommand you to set the resolution higher, that makes it look much nicer. You can get programs on the c.img file using vdk under windows. Yes, that with the X-Box port is true. And yes the next release will have USB, and 100% network support on all hardware.
Sorry for the spelling
Maarten Bosma, who hopes that osnews has a editing function.
is react05 more secure than Windoze??
Reactos is not yet ready enough to worry about that.
I’m watching Reactos’s progress with great interest. Given the above, I will probably wait until the next release before I try it, though.
I wonder whether Reactos should use a different shell to explorer, such as blackbox, bblean or litestep. The explorer interface, though familiar is getting quite tired now.
just a thought.
Best wishes to the Reactos team.
“I’m watching Reactos’s progress with great interest. Given the above, I will probably wait until the next release before I try it, though.”
Yes Reactos is not useble as everyday Os yet.
“I wonder whether Reactos should use a different shell to explorer, such as blackbox, bblean or litestep. The explorer interface, though familiar is getting quite tired now.”
Reactos wants to offer a familar interface to the windows users, but user can still install a different gui.
I say delete explorer completely and go back to SHELL=”progman.exe” – Oh yeah!
Actually if I’m not mistaken, the shell is set via the registery ala NT, so that wouldn’t work.
It’s still a SHELL setting, but you are right it isn’t in an .ini in NT, it’s at location:
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon
for User only change. There is a different key to make the change global.
With a relatively evolving operating system, a group of programmers and UI designers could create an innovative system. There are a couple choices these days.
ReactOS Explorer is quite good, but you’re right its design is quite old.
They should modernize ROS Explorer, make it a bit more eyecandy
Or just focus on getting a usable system before implementing superficial eyecandy….
screw eye candy.. one thing most UIs DONT need. bubbly glitz shit that clutters up everything and slows it down.
>>They should modernize ROS Explorer, make it a bit more eyecandy<<
Yeah, because alpha software needs eye candy instead of functionality. Moron.
Someday I can use it as a preinstall environment for Windows.
Someday I can install it with open source software as an alternative for Grandma.
I think ReactOS is the real Genuine Advantage
Can’t wait!
Does this release fix the problem that the last one had where both the install CD and the LiveCD barfed on loading cdrom.sys? It wasn’t a huge problem as you could just format the disk and then copy over the files, but still ;^)
I don’t remember such problem to be ever reported and I never encountered it myself. A more detailed description of the problem would help (incl. HW configuration).
Filip Navara, ReactOS Development Team
But does it play Quake III?
Seriously though, I love what you guys are doing. I can never wait for the next release!
I think noone tried Quake III yet BUT I should run, because it is a OpenGL game.
But does it run OS X?
Oh wait…
Not yet, only Quake and Quake 2
Will this release be announced on the ReactOS web page ( What is the status of the ReactOS forum?
“Will this release be announced on the ReactOS web page (”
“What is the status of the ReactOS forum?”
The forum was the source of the hack which made down for so long, this is why it has not been restored from the backup. I do not know when it will be up again, but I guess together with the new webside in ~2 weeks.
I think this has great potential – even though a project like this is bound to raise serious philosophical (or is it ideological?) questions. Might something like ReactOS possibly in some way back Microsoft’s monopoly by having developers rely on Microsoft technology? It probably does. Personally, I don’t care very much – ReactOS would give developers (and users!) still lots of freedom. Reminds me of the old days where MS-DOS, DR-DOS, PTS-DOS and what not coexisted more or less happily and allowed users the freedom of choice with the best possible compatibility. I just hope there’ll never be any legal problems – SCO comes to mind.
Thank you guys for your work so far!
It’s been over two weeks since the voting on the new website began. the mailing lists says 2 weeks, what happened?
Voting was concluded (see….
for the results). Work is now underway to implement this.
React OS marketing people, if any, should be calling Test equipment manufacturers and informing them about their design goals of 100% WinNT compatibility. Lots of these guys might be interested in throwing a few dollars your way to help with development, which would intern, increase the life expectancy of their systems and or products.
I’m following with much interest ReactOS. My question is: did ROS developers approached anyone at MS to know how far they could go in implementing features?
Oh, BTW, I’m not into systems programming but does anyone know how to help (beside internals programming)?
As usual, osdir has some screenshots:…
With NTFS this os can be as an emergency disk.
…don’t forget to keep in mind OSFree too (they really needs help)!
osFree project is an atempt to build an OpenSource OS/2 clone
My rough estimate would be that Microsoft invested billions of manhours into Windows. How can a small OSS project like ReactOS hope to create something this big?
And even if they succeeded it seems impossible that MS didn’t cover their asses by getting dozens of bullet-proof patents that prevent compatible clones.
Sorry, but I think this project has no future by design.
* “Windows” is at least three different OSes, ReactOS is only implementing one of them.
* It’s always easier to implement something if you have a known target. They don’t have to make as many design decisions, they can just look at what Microsoft has done.
* ReactOS has the advantage of being able to use lots of existing Free Software — Wine most notably, but also lots of other stuff like all the development tools, Freetype and Mesa.
* Throwing money or developers on a project isn’t a guarantee that you will succeed.