Compared to Panther, the Mac OS X 10.3 system software, Tiger exhibits broad performance improvements. It’s noticeably faster at booting the system and loading applications. PDF rendering and all text and graphics rendering is faster with Tiger on late-model Macs. Elsewhere, the new IBM chip could serve a PowerBook G5, but is it too little too late?
I will move over to it. until then I have to put my tiger CDs in the desk
Umm, just use the 10.3 binaries or build it yourself.
umm… the 10.3 binary does not work correctly.
Anybody put this on a mac mini yet? What’s the deal with core image?
I have it on an ibook 1.2(512 of ram), run fine AND fast. I can’t say much however about Core Image.
Since the Mac Mini is nearly the same computer, I think Tiger run pretty well on this too
On less than top of the line graphics cards, Core Image works, but some Core Image-based effects are disabled. For example, the “ripple” effect from adding widgets to the Dashboard only appears on very modern (GF 6xxx) graphics cards. If by Core Image you were actually asking about Quartz 2D Extreme, I believe that’s disabled for everybody as of 10.4.1.
Thats not true. I’m running Tiger on an imac with a GeForce FX 5200. When I add widgets to the dash I see the ripple effect.
Perhaps it’s FX+. Regardless, it doesn’t show up on GeForce 4’s.
Err yeah, I expect a LOT of people have put this on their Mac minis just like me.
Core Image, well yeah it works. It just passes the load off to the processor for most things, but it works pretty darn well thus far
Well that’s pretty much what I wanted to know. I’m planning to get one in a few weeks. The ripples are the only difference? Are the full capabalities of Core Image not yet realized then?
core image is not needed to run the system or get any of the added capabilities. besides that, when it does need core image it will use the processor if the gfx card does not support the function.
Nope no core image on the mini. Don’t worry though almost nothing uses it yet and there’s still plenty of sweet, sweet eye candy.
Do put Tiger on your mini though. I had Panther on mine originally and when the cpu hit 100% the fan would go nuts (it seemed to activate based on cpu load rather then heat) Now on Tiger that’s fixed and I can enjoy the quiet operation of my mini even under high loads.
On the Mac Mini you don’t get the ripple because it has a ATI Radeon 9200 and it needs at least a 9600. Plus the Mac Mini only has 32mb. I love my Mac Mini (1.42Ghz, 1GB RAM, 80GB Hard drive) but that’s the only gripe I have against it right now.
As far as I can see you get pretty much the same effects as you could on Panther. Of course again no ripple effect you get most other effects though as far as I can see (using desktop manager virtual desktops).
no ripple, but it does grow dynamically when you drag a widget to the screen.
I run that on my new Mac Mini with Tiger and it runs fine. Couple it with:
That server logistics site also has packages for Apache2 and PHP, that also work on Tiger.
Speaking of 32 MB graphics – Nanosaur 2 only allows 16 bit colour, because the Mini has only 32 MB graphics. Even though my Mini has 1 GB RAM. A little annoying
does the control panel work?
Hey people, I can’t wait to triple boot Tiger x86, Longhorn and Leopard x86 on Apple x86-x64 in 2006, it will be fun.
I was just talking to a Mac developer who was complaining about the power performance on his G3s. Also apparently Tiger disables a lot of features on the G3 to try and not tax the cpu (jpg resizing in iPhoto, I think was one feature).
Why bother with Longhorn? Just use XP. Anything useful has been pretty much stripped out, and I’m assuming you’d only be doing it for app useage only available to Windows?
$ uname -a
Darwin Morla.local 8.1.0 Darwin Kernel Version 8.1.0: Tue May 10 18:16:08 PDT 2005; root:xnu-792.1.5.obj~4/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh powerpc
$ mysql -V
mysql Ver 12.22 Distrib 4.0.24, for apple-darwin6.8 (powerpc)
Seems to be working well on my Powerbook. *shrug*
If you can’t configure either PostgreSQL or MySQL on OS X than I say you most likely don’t have much Linux/Solaris/AIX/BSD experience installing on those systems as well.
If you are looking for a pretty DMG then download the XCode tools and build your own.
somehow after the intel switch, people finally realize thats nothing great about os x…
Why would anyone use Longhorn unless MS is sandbagging the industry on features.
Not flame-baiting here. Just looking at the serious leaps in Longhorn that have been stripped out, it seems like a small upgrade to XP.
The problem being of course, you will get all the new bugs with the new OS.
It reminds me of moving to Office 97 to Office 98.
Microsoft better have some magic up their sleeves.
I’m not sure why Longhorn is even brought up in this topic, but I’ll bite the bait:
People keep insisting all the good features of longhorn have been removed and it will be a “small” upgrade. Quite funny.
Avalon is a huge makeover. It will be a big leap. Combine XAML with that and you will see some great things once Longhorn is released.
Then there is Indigo, WinFX, Monad, OneCare, LUAs, LDDM, etcetc.
Please, you can say you think Longhorn will suck all you want, but do NOT spread FUD and say it will be a “small upgrade”.
no probs here…
Microsoft only kept the eye candy which they are really bad at anyway. Microsofts own Longhorn developers have been quoted as saying it is now not much more than an XP service pack. The three main features of Longhorn have all been cut. There will be;
-no advanced file system
-no advanced communications
-no advanced security/DRM framework
But I guess you know something the Longhorn developers don’t? Everyone knows that Microsoft has a big problem on it’s hands with the aging XP and the lack fo reason for anyone to “upgrade” to Longhorn. Corporations certainly won’t and thats where the money is.
less eyecandy is more!