Windows Server System brings together several existing products and comes with three copies of the Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition, a copy of Exchange Server 2003 Standard Edition and a copy of Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 Workgroup Edition. Elsewhere, MS released a fix to a major IE hole confirmed last week, while some eyebrows are raised as MS downgrades its Claria detections.
Nice that comments can be disabled for some stories. But lemme report this bug:
You still can comment the story by direct with the url and the news_id number.
Also, does the message “There are # comment(s) below your current score threshold.” is always reporting at least 1 comment below the threshold (even if there’s none?)? But could be just impression…
If this was intentional then this is just the kind of thing that make people dislike Microsoft. It’s just plain stupid, it’s almost evil since many people just use their software without knowledge about these issues. It’s plain sick!
If they keep doing these things it’s going to (it already is) catch up to them. If they just did things right… this just pisses me off..
Just remember, doesn’t matter whether Claria was good or bad before Microsoft came, what matters [for Microsoft, that is] is that now they are Microsoft, thus they simply can’t be further marketed as being bad guys. It’s Microsoft hence they are Good. Of course believeing that won’t get you rid off Gator&co, which now hopefully every newborn, granny & dog knows how to eradicate from the face of this earth [with or without Microsoft’s “help”].
That’s what pisses me off, they are screwing everybody because it’s in their interest to do so. But why? Why is it in their interest? Bill should be a smart guy, he should know that things like these will eventually catch up to him! Moreover, you would think that he would like Windows to be GOOD, not just sell a lot of copies, he doesn’t need the money. It’s HIS OS so he should be passionate about it, and strive to make it better than everything else… I just don’t get it.. Maibe he is someone’s b*tch, someone’s pulling the strings from behind ? I can understand the hype, the anti-competitive behaviour, etc.. What I can’t understand is these kind of things that keep poping up about Microsoft..
Maybe this is an incredible idealistic way of looking at things but if you really think about it, it doesn’t make any sense that they continue to do these things! They have the power to change things for the better, they have the market muscle and the money to do it! Do it right, please!
I’m sick of getting rid of crapware from my girlfriend’s computer! I would really, really like to switch her to linux but she uses Autocad and other programs that don’t run on linux..
😀 Piece!
LOL! Not Piece! Peace! Sorry!
There are few decisions Microsoft has made that bad press has caused them to back down on. I’m hoping this is one of them. But I don’t have faith in any sense of concern for users privacy on Microsofts part.
Both seem to come out at least once a week, both are funny shit.