About a month ago, everyone was reporting that .NET My Services were dead. Today, Microsoft says that .Net My Services plan is in ‘disarray’ – so says top executive Jim Allchin, who revealed in antitrust testimony that the company is headed back to the drawing board on the Web strategy.
I wonder what this means for dotGNU (are they even ative any more?
Hey Eugenia, how about setting up an interview with one of the core developers of dotGNU and see what exactly their reactions and plans are given the recent MS developments (no pun intended)
…that I jumped on the .Not band wagon. I think that we’ll all see IBM spanking MS in the next several years. And when that happens – big party at my place
Sorry to rain on everyone’s parade (especially since I am basically on your side), but it is just the stupid “My Services” (“trust us with your credit card . . . no, really!”) that are in “disarray”, not the technology itself.
It is good to see that the poorly/never thought-out business model they were pursuing didn’t work, but that has nothing to do with the API, dotGNU, or anything else technical.
I agree with you %100. I was reffering to (and I probbably should have been clearer
) all of the recent “blunders” of MS.
– XPs failure in the market
– the eBay account
– “My Services”
-[very] slow adoption of .Not by the market. (ok, here we go. The poll published… yada yada yada… All I know here in Chicago, the bargain bins at book stores are filled with .Not books.)
– over whelming press coverage of MSs licensing terms and school harassment, etc etc etc
– several very important revelations/admissions in the anti-trus case.
All this (and more in the future, I’m sure) will catch up with microsoft. After a while, all the kids team up and take the bully down.
ruprecht wrote:
> All this (and more in the future, I’m sure) will catch up
> with microsoft. After a while, all the kids team up and take
> the bully down.
Here’s hoping! ;^)
In some ways the current situation with MS echoes the troubles that IBM had a decade ago.
IBM was the market bully, and got it’s wings clipped. This time around it’s MS.
However, given that marketing power of MS, I would not toss .net aside. As a corporate software developer, I have no choice to stay on top of the new deevelopments; otherwise I’ll be asking “would you like fries with that?”
Linux is totally DOA on the desktop but that isn’t making those advocates surrender. Microsoft isn’t any different.
Xbox has sold 3.5 million units (MS was hoping to sell about 5 million). I don’t think they’re quite ready to raise the white flag on that one just yet with those numbers, although they may be a bit disappointed.
MS sold 350,000 copies of VS.NET in the first month of availability and is probably at well over a million by now. Somebody out there is interested in .NET, obviously, or do you think that it is just Bill Gates buying up all of the supplies all by himself just to make the numbers look good?
As usual, the FUD cannons are blazing away with plenty of angry opinion and nothing in the way of hard numbers.
How suprised would you be if it is a subsidiery of microsoft in some third world country buying (on paper ofcourse) all those copies of VS.NET? And how many of those shipments are part of the MSDN subscription?
‘cmon – M$ has pulled much worse trick to skew the numbers in its advantage.
MS is now claiming they plan on SHIPPING, not SELLING, 4.5 to 6 million XBoxes.
XBox has only sold a bit more than two million worldwide. 2.2 million is the highest amount supported by real sales numbers i’ve seen. The giant XBox markdown has resulted in a pitiful extra thousand consoles sold outside of the US.
The PS2 is somewhere in the 25-30 million range. And the GameCube is in the mid three million(probably closer to four with success of the European launch). If the current worldwide sales trend continues,PS2 continuing to sell at an incredible rate, GameCube increasing, XBox plummeting, the GameCube will have twice the XBox’s worldwide installed base in a couple months.
FUD has nothing to do with it. Post a link to some hard console sales numbers, not MS press release claims. Put up or shut up.
MS thought they could buy their way into living rooms with the XBox as their Trojan Horse. The XBox was to be their growing platform to deliver their consumer .Net subscription services.
That entire strategy is dead.
Slow adoption of .NET? Maybe this is related to DEVELOPMENT WORK? VS.NET final is out for short time only, do you expect popping up top-end business apps in that short time now?
My Services is an application of .NET technology (Web Services, ASP.NET, the .NET framework).
Microsoft .Net has not gone back to the drawing board – My Services (“HailStorm”) has.
Tuttle, please quit FUDing us, OK? Xbox is not even close to being a “marketplace disaster” by any means. Considering such a huge advantage in installed base (with PS1) and market share and lead time (with PS2) and market experience that Sony has, Xbox is posting quite decent numbers for a brand-new platform coming out of nowhere. Nintendo’s Gamecube is probably lucky to even be alive.
“The company expects an installed base of 3.5 million to 4 million consoles by the end of June, a little short of its initial projections largely because of lower-than-expected sales in Japan, Bach told the analysts.”
“Japan is clearly going to be our toughest market. We’ve known that for a long time. We’re certainly not selling as much as we’d like there.”
“Looking ahead, Bach said the company forecasts cumulative shipments to reach between 9 million and 11 million units by June 2003, which will mark 20 months of sales for the console since it first hit the shelves in the U.S. in November 2001.
In contrast, the PS2 shipments hit 10.6 million units at the end of March 2001, after 13 months on sale, and totaled 19.6 million after 19 months, the closest figure available from SCEI with which to compare against Microsoft’s forecast.
Total PS2 shipments in the year to the end of March 2002 totaled 18.1 million units — just under double the previous year’s total shipments of 9.2 million units. SCEI’s latest forecast shows the market is still growing, but at a much-reduced pace. The company expects to see the strongest growth in the North American market in the coming year.”
3.5 to 4 million is quite a lot short of the 6 million original claims. Like 25-35% under. In Japan it’s being outsold by the PSOne. Although the GameCube is also stiffing in Japan.
In Europe the GC is doing much better than the Xbox but they’re both still being outsold by the PS2, which is not good for a console launch where you expect to catch up the 30 million installed base for the PS2.
It’s not going badly enough to be dumped by MS but it’s doing badly enough to have a lot of game developers reassess their development priorities. Rather than the triumphant market leader which MS claimed they would become, they’ve issued an amusing press release claiming that third place in this competetive market is good going.
It is too, but it’s still amusing to see MS with egg on its face.
Xbox original forecast was to sell between 4.5 million and 6 million units, not “6 million”.
Xbox is in second place worldwide, not third.
Unless you are including the older PS1 in your list. Xbox is ahead of Gamecube, worldwide.
Posting bullshit about PROJECTIONS changes nothing.
Posting bullshit about SHIP numbers changes nothing.
Hard SELL THROUGH numbers is all that matters. You clearly have no clue what the worldwide installed base of the various consoles is. Stop wasting your time reading usenet posts or fansites or MS press releases.
I work in the console biz. My friends work in the console biz. We know the real numbers. I know firsthand the XBox ports that have been getting canceled for the abysmal sales. I know what a total the XBox is considered among us developers.
The XBox is firmly in last place in worldwide. You throwing a tantrum changes nothing.
And I thought the Dreamcast freaks were bad when their console was dying…
Can you prove anything you are saying is true, Tuttle? Can you give me even one source of credible information to go on?
Why should I believe a word you say? Why should I trust you at all if you can’t support your arguments?
Didn’t the post say something about .net in it, i see nothing about xbox sales, this is a big tangent, even compaired to the usual tangents.
Well, just to add to the FUD’ing
anon: Please, stop spamming non-interesting projections- and shipping-figures, they mean absolutely nothing! Its installed-base figures, that means something, as the reflect true measures of units actually sold and delivered to real customers. Anything else is PURE speculations, and not to be regarded as anything else but pure journalist-need-stuuf-to write and hype-milling.
tuttle: Quit being the self-proclaimed wiseguy, and do as anon says: Back up your facts by referencing properly carried-out marketresearch, or at least tell where you got those suppose-to-be hard-facts! Its COOL with some insider-info, IF its reliable! Otherwise, it ONLY adds to already not very trustworthy commentaries around!
Guyz, I’m not trying to piss you off, i’m just sick of ppl always forgetting to back up arguments, and then hammering other ppl for that exact thing!
Looking forward to hear from both of you guyz!
Aw man, i got carried away again!
Brad, You’re right!