TextOS version 2.0b1 5/15/05 “Progression” has been released. It runs programs built with the new TextOS BASIC version 2.0, which adds many more commands to the TextOS BASIC language.
TextOS version 2.0b1 5/15/05 “Progression” has been released. It runs programs built with the new TextOS BASIC version 2.0, which adds many more commands to the TextOS BASIC language.
TextOS is a really cool product. I used it to teach a small group of primary schoolers how to program in BASIC.
You’ve hit on exactly why something like TextOS should exist. Like Minix, it opens the door to people who wouldn’t normally have the opportunity, because of financial or other reasons, to learn fundamental computer and programming concepts. I applaud the developer of this OS and language for his contributions to society.
It is suficient small to do a litte research of how a OS works… like… well, minix. =)
And, about the GW-Basic comment, Gates do not own any copyright on the specification of BASIC language, anyone who want to implement this, are free to do it. (i know, never respond to a troll… but…)
TextOS BASIC is a totally different language, it is only *called* BASIC because it is similar to BASIC. It has nothing to do with the BASIC language, or Microsoft’s GW-BASIC. Look at the included manual and see for yourself.
It must be said that this could well be the fastest booting os for the PC!
The concept of a BASIC programming language is great to introduced someone to the idea of telling a computer how to do things. It is simple and quite straightforward to reach the mindsets of even the younger generation.
With that said, the Author of the project is making himself useful in creating something that is potentially useful (if applied in the above said manner) and also sharpening his programming skills to put it good use on a better project. Everybody wins at the end of this.
As for the troll, step back if you don’t like it and go look for hobbits
a. is it a live floppy?
b. my laptop does not have a floppy drive, is there a way to use a CD instead?
You can use nero, for example, to burn bootable cdroms, when you do that, you usually specify a boot disk. That part is loaded by the bios and then boot from. If you need more than one floppy, you’d better hope that TextOS comes with cdrom support…
I think it would be even nicer if he put the individual programs (BASIC interperter, etc.) up for download.