Rob Enderle has an commentary at LinuxInsider discussing the effect Linux has had on Microsoft. An excerpt: “As I look at how Microsoft is changing to address the Linux threat, one that may actually turn out to be no more real then Netscape’s was, I can’t help but see how Microsoft has dramatically benefited from it — and much more broadly so than they did from the rise of Netscape.”
LinuxInsider is not ‘free press’. They are controlled by Microsoft.
I can’t prove it, but many of their own articles tend to suggest that. Anyway it’s quite common that a company hires people to make favorable comments on it on the Web. Usually it’s just hiring some people posting on forums, this time it’s a whole website.
Enderle has historically misrepresented Linux with opinion pieces throughout the SCO v. IBM litigation. Why should we believe him now?
Please don’t feed the troll.
…and wont. rob enderle has proven himself to be one of two things; either a shill for microsoft, or a complete and total idiot. his articles tend to appeal to people as zealotous and uninformed as he is, and history has him to be wrong far more often then right. the enderle group consists of one person, him, who tends to spend most of his time evangelising the virtues of his biggest client, microsoft. i dont think theres that many people who actually take him seriously anymore, he is like an earlier version of laura didio.
“Even the fact that we are talking about Linux, which not only isn’t a company, but isn’t even an operating system, is a sham. There is no Linux product; not really, Linux only refers to the kernel which, by itself, doesn’t actually do much of anything.”
What??? The kernel is the hardest part to make in an os and it isn’t doing anything???
” It is more the core point of a concept that surrounds “open source” which, in turn, is based on a false concept. This concept is that people actually want to look at source code.”
That is a keypoint that the code is oss yes, otherwise there wouldn’t be a cummunity of developers hacking on it.
“Think about it: For decades we have surveyed companies and for decades, except for those who are actually in the software business, the vast majority have said they don’t want to be in the software business. Yet open source Latest News about open source, as it is supposed to be practiced, puts you squarely in the software business. We also know that IT buyers want the vendor to enjoy all of the product liability associated with an offering, but open source, at best, passes some of that liability to the customer, and, at worst, all of it.”
Here he is suggesting that companys want’s to be locked in or something.
“Finally, we know that what is largely holding the open-source community together is a dislike for Microsoft. As Microsoft improves, the reality of what Microsoft is will slowly penetrate the increasingly artificial reality that the open-source community has created and, much like it was with Apple, non-aligned buyers will avoid the related platforms and aligned buyers will change sides as their perceptions shift to the new reality.”
Here you can clearly see that he is a tool, trolling/fuding in favour of MS.
“Those of us that have been following this market for decades have seen this pattern over and over and over again and while it is never certain (click here to read an interesting abstract discussion on the misuse of history to prove a future event) it would seem likely that, unless something dramatically changes, by 2015 we’ll be largely wondering what all the fuss surrounding Linux was really about.”
Yeah sure. So 50%(and rising) of the worlds servers are just fuss now. At the desktop it’s going to take a few more years until Linx passes Windows, but it will happen.
“Sometimes no matter how big a balloon looks you have to just wonder if the important part isn’t simply all of the hot air. ”
Mr Pretenderle, please STFU!!!
This guy is a known tool/troll for a long time so you can tell him to stop now because it’s not looking good for you.
why can’t Enderle be both a either a shill for microsoft and a complete and total idiot? One is not exclusive to the other.
Well spoken.
You do not have to wait until year 2015. Wait until next Q earning from MS so you can see yourself
Saved Microsoft from what!? They had no competition, then Linux came along. What would have happened if Linux hadn’t appeared?
…be prepaired. Calling him a moron is an insult to morons everywhere.
Enderle’s laptop:,4149,1523503,00.asp
“One impressive piece of execution is that when you fire the machine up it plays a WAV file of a Ferrari race car revving its engine. That alone is worth the relatively low $1,899 price of admission. (I found it priced as low as $1,725 at PCVideoOnline.) Even when I’m in a meeting, I don’t turn the sound off because of the unbridled envy that seems to show up in the eyes of my, granted mostly male, co-attendees. So far no one has complained.”
How can you not take seriously everything that Rob Enderle, Principal Analyst of the Enderle Group says?
why can’t Enderle be both a either a shill for microsoft and a complete and total idiot? One is not exclusive to the other.
well, i guess i was talking about the reasons for his complete disconnect with reality. but considering the quality of his “articles”, it could be argued that even if he is a shill for MS, he’s still a moron.
and @Mamiya
“One impressive piece of execution is that when you fire the machine up it plays a WAV file of a Ferrari race car revving its engine. That alone is worth the relatively low $1,899 price of admission.”
is by FAR the greatest enderle quote of all time.
leave the guy alone.
I actually think he is very funny, and he has even funnier ideas.
He cheered my up no end.
Honestly, he’s right about Microsoft’s “repositioning” in response to Linux. Their emphasis on security, stability, and even shared source is widely in response to Linux. I’m sure OSX played a part, but OSX isn’t really a competitor because their platform is such a lifestyle decision.
Linux is a threat. Its free, its stable, its secure, and worst of all: It can’t be bought.
This Enderle fellow downplays the importance of opensource by claiming that “no one wants to see the source”. On the surface, he’s right, but seeing the source isn’t what makes Free software revolutionary, rather, the collective ownership of the code is what makes it revolutionary. Torvalds has described is as “giving everyone a turn” we decide our own level of involvement in the development of the GNU/Linux system.
It can’t be bought, its can’t be stopped, and it can never really be defeated. The only thing Microsoft can do is release a vastly superior product who which people will be willing to sacrifice their freedoms. But even then, Free software will catch up. Its not going to go away.
“I can’t help but see how Microsoft has dramatically benefited from it — and much more broadly so than they did from the rise of Netscape.”
‘Scuse me? Netscape came first, Microsoft played catch up, and having “won” that war still remains to be seen: NCSA Mosaic >> Netscape >> Mozilla >> Firefox.
If you look in the copyright notices you’ll see that part of IE came from Mosaic and Spyglass.
The only way Microsoft even got ahead is because they integrated the browser into MS Windows’ GUI.
I have watched and used Linux for 5 years.The little penguin that came in from Finland has defied every prediction that people like Enderle have thrown at it. Every Microsoft shill’s prediction has been proven false. 5 years ago the buzz was “no hardware drivers”. Today my Suse desktop supports more hardware out of the box than my XP box. Then it was “no corporate or government uptake”. That was before Munich, Brazil,IBM, Oracle, Novell and scores of local governments and Banks whom I support as part of my daily work for a major IT company. Then it was “No games on Linux” but I have more Solid 1st class games on my Suse than my 8 year old son knows what to do with- – — and these came as part of my price for the operating system. I did not have to go spend $39 dollars for each new game on my computer. “No office software” today OpenOffice comfortably replaces Microsoft office all for free. What else will they throw at this waterproof penguim. Rob Enderle can gloom and doom all day long but the linux I use today is light years ahead of the one I met in 1999. My Suse runs for months without breaking a step. It takes all the abuse I can dream up as a professional tinkerer while my XP has to reboot every 2 days and I have re-installed my XP 3 times in the last 6 months due to unexplained crashes. The simple fact is that Linux has broken the mystique of operating systems and this it did openly with the help of the GPL —-Today A high school student in Kathmandu can replicate in one free download what it takes Bill Gates 40,000 employees years dream up. I would like to see the scowl on Enderle’s face in 2011. That is the year he predicts no one will be talking about Linux
Honestly, he’s right about Microsoft’s “repositioning” in response to Linux. Their emphasis on security, stability, and even shared source is widely in response to Linux. I’m sure OSX played a part, but OSX isn’t really a competitor because their platform is such a lifestyle decision.
So basically, the best insight this “leading market analyst” has for us is that when a monopoly is challenged, it is good for everyone but the monopoly?
isnt that kind of common sense to anyone with even a vague idea of how capitalism works?
I agree that Linux probably did some good to MS. And so teh article has some points.
But the ending is just hilarious… ‘I have seen it over and over.. so nothing can change’. LOL, sure it won’t change with that kind of attitude..
Please tell him to try Linux and to think outisde of the MS box for 2 seconds… if he can still at his age (no discrimination here, just teasing on the “over and over and over…”)
I never had much respect for the man before, but the intial reports and copies of his keynote speech for SCOForum2004 was of a man so drunk he couldn’t talk straight. less than a week later his orginial speech was replaced with a cleaned up version online.
Since that August day he hasn’t written a whole lot. His Wife even tried a few stories only to have them thrown back into her face as well. This is one of his biggist writtings since August. If SCO goes boom. Expect him to blame IBM for the delay’s SCO have asked for. Because MSFT allies are always innocent.
I always knew that.
Linux is good for Microsoft, and I hope Microsoft will support Linux more and more.
Linux rocks. It’s part of a good healthy eco-system.
…Rob Enderle, the unprejudiced, sharp-thinking technology expert who knows what’s really going on (and also how to tie his shoelaces – well, maybe).
I think as long many people can’t walk into their local computer store to buy the lastest game or software that runs on linux.for them no other OS exist, only windows. That’s how i think linux saved microsoft. all i hear is about microsoft at my local computer store. I ask people about linux they don’t know what it is.
In which sense is Linux good for Microsoft? When Microsoft has
about $50Billion dollars save and the company is worth about $300 Billion. If Bill Gates, who is the richest man, wanted to he could buy out red hat, novell ,sun, and the linux tradmark from linus with that $50 billion dollars and the help of his partners. I guess he wants to see how far linux can go before he makes his move.
Honestly I didn’t read the article but I don’t need to. The name Enderle is synonymous with “shill”. His opinions have never been insightful and in fact I would go as far as to say his articles are pure garbage. Why does OSNews still give this schmuck airtime?
Money can’t do everything. If it did it would save terminally ill wealthy patients.
Even if MS could buy out Red Hat, Novell, Sun and “the Linux trademark” (???) (it is not as easy as that. And buy out IBM as well? and the thousands of OSS developers?):
1)All the open source software would still be there, protected by the GPL
2)Very silly move in view of the antimonopoly commissions and the countries which already mistrust MS (China, Brazil, areas of Europe…)
… or rather, the butterfly fart effect.
A butterfly pass a linux fart some where in indochina. 3 months later, it causes a microsoft hurricane in us or Freaking a …
… nice freaking theory …
With all the company buyouts and hostile corportate takeovers. No product or company is saved, and as long Microsoft has that kind of money and power. Anything can happen and bought out.
Well some of that rant was informative and rings true.
Linux is not a OS???? well maybe your just spreading more FUD
Windows hardware is not fault tolerent
c0000218 fatal hardware error or something (VID chipset died and I bought a Geforce to use to backup data before replacement)
linux boots
and knoppix and its NTFS helped me move my (Priceless) power point and CISCO work over to my Linux smb.CIFS server via FTP console.
If microsoft made half decent Live recovery tools with RAID,SATA,NIC,Burning,Drivers then maybe less people might move.
Linux is the best recovery OS out there and costs 20c /MB or free bandwidth + CD
I must admit I like windows 2k+ but microsoft can not please everyone or windows Longhorn/XP would need a data grid shiped to you.
Sure Linux may die
Skyos may become the next big thing
Linux may die but it shall be reborn through another good project.
Trouble is, Linux is not a company. It isn’t even a “product” in the commercial sense of the word.
Linux is thousands of developers and millions of users.
Nobody has enough money to buy the entire Planet
He’s just a troll. Buying linux.. c’mmon. You can’t buy what’s not for sale, no matter how much money you have.
This guy was speaking out the truth…i second him.!!!
His next article….how Toyota saved GM..
I usually like quality of discussion, but if the editors of osnews really wanted that they wouldn’t post articles by this guy.
Rob Enderle is a big fat git with no brain that should sod off. The only good strategy is to ignore him and his useless blurbs.
The reasons listed in this thread already document why.
Thank you OS News and specifically David Adams for listening to this request.
Linux put pressure on Microsoft OS group to Actually find and fix Memory leaks.
Java put pressure on Microsoft to come up with a high quality / highly productive development language/environment.
Apple is just the source of all new Microsoft Marketing moves.
– The Unix core 3000 apps( not just grep ) will soon be copied into the beast’s Os.
– Apples look and feel and distribution of more graphics code to the gpu is going into Longhorn.
Still, I prefer the originators of the idea, because, they graap the concepts far better then the copy machine.
All I can say is, if Linux really IS useless and will never work, what the heck am I dual-booting?
Ok, my microphone and media-center keys don’t work… That’s probably because I never use them, and thus never bothered to activate them.
I’m only saying as long Microsoft has 50billion and the only thing boosting linux are companies like RED HAt(they only charded alot for something that use to be free they are no treat to microsoft because they can’t invent), NOVELL (microsoft beat them back in the 90’s again no threat to microsoft), SUSE, (read what happen to Novell). If you did not know Linux is a product in the mean time because Red Hat, NOVELL , SUSE are making cash of it, are they not? everybody buys linux when they buy the newest copy of REDHAT, SUSE, etc. later Microsoft will also be buying linux, but the rights to it from linus.
I’m only saying as long Microsoft has 50billion and the only thing boosting linux are companies like RED HAt(they only charge alot for something that use to be free they are no treat to microsoft because they can’t invent), NOVELL (microsoft beat them back in the 90’s again no threat to microsoft), SUSE, (read what happen to Novell). If you did not know Linux is a product in the mean time because Red Hat, NOVELL , SUSE are making cash of it, are they not? everybody buys linux when they buy the newest copy of REDHAT, SUSE, etc. later Microsoft will also be buying linux, but the rights to it from linus.
You really are an idiot, aren’t you?
What a gem.
“Microsoft will also be buying linux, but the rights to it from linus.”
This is requires that Linus is willing to sell, and that they can persuade every single copyright-holder in the kernel to sell out too.. Not gonna happen dude. And even so, if, in some fantasy world of yours, that would happen, all they’d get is a name and preventing any new releases under that name. The previously released code is still out there and it’s still under GPL, since you can’t unilatilary change the licensing of stuff already relased.
So in short, you seriously need to cut down on the pot.
Hey play nice. no insults plesae I never insulted anybody. I’m such saying that Micosoft with their $50billion or so might one day use it against linux. It’s possible. See I did not insult you please play nice
From the article: Rather than running just on computers that process 32 bits of data at a time, the new version will run on chips that process 64 bits. For Allchin, this is a very big deal for businesses and individuals. The reasons are technical, but the bottom line is that 64-bit computers will be much faster.
What a load of marketing rubbish! Just hide behind “technical reasons” and you can sell people anything.
“Hey play nice. no insults plesae I never insulted anybody. I’m such saying that Micosoft with their $50billion or so might one day use it against linux. It’s possible. See I did not insult you please play nice”
Insults (from the other AC) aside, it doesn’t pass the sniff test; it’s not plausable/likely.
Yes, Microsoft can — already has — used some of that money directly and indirectly to attack Linux. If you think about what the other AC said and don’t just focus on what you see as a personal attack, you might gain insight into why it doesn’t matter. You might realize why what you originally stated ‘Microsoft will also be buying linux, but the rights to it from linus’ is not likely to be takken seriously.
A total waste of time. Dear OSNews editors, please only link to articles from people who know what they are talking about.
Microsoft started to attack linux!! Well they have 50billion dollars or so to continue attacking it or maybe one day own it the same way linus owns it today. Picture linus working for Microsoft.
I was only kidding about Micosoft one day owning linux and linus working for microsoft,etc. I myself also use a linux disto.