The operating system is based on the kernel WindowsCE version 5.1. It differs from its predecessor in Direct3D Mobile (initially optimized for Wireless MMX), Windows Error Reporting, the possibility to work as a USB storage without drivers, improved support of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi and so on.
Pretty cool, I just hope the x50v will be upgraded as is rumoured.
honestly, I don’t think Dell will do it. They will instead release another pda, if that… Thankfully the x50v is the best selling PDA of the year so hopefully Dell will release more PDAs in this market that’s dying and being replaced by pda-smartphones.
Sorry, I’m not feeling well and I realized my post above reads like crap.
Let me try this again:
If they don’t ugrade the X50’s then might I suggest skipping the pda scene (if a pda is all you use i.e. not a smartphone user) and get a hand-top.
Seriously, with all the features that Win Mobile supports, the limited screen size makes them a moot point. For instance: Terminaling into a windows server with it is a joke albeit a last resort to not having access to a pc in a wireless access area.
Screen real-estate is a key point in mobile devices that offer such features.
For reference, A hand-top is about the size of your hand with your fingers spread apart and there are several different styles. for more info
I strongly suggest *against* getting a handtop. They are still plagued with problems. I can testify to this having gone through a lot of headache with a Sony U series. You can see the same comments in the forums (overheating, etc.). Maybe in a couple of years.
At long last – no need to have sodding activesync installed – I can actually get data to my phone from linux, not just charge it!
nice choice of codename. its the biggest baddie of the x-men universe…
If they don’t ugrade the X50’s then might I suggest skipping the pda scene (if a pda is all you want i.e. not a smartphone user) and get a hand-top.
I’m sorry, but ~$1,300 for a thing the size of my hand? versus a couple hundred bucks to do what I want my pda to do? Play some mp3’s keep my schedule and sync with my desktop.
For the money these handtops go for, I could by a 12″ iBook and be happy.
Plus hantops are slow compered to PDAs!
Using your PDA as a USB storage would be a nice feature, especially if your PDA has card slots on it.
Sony was in the habit of only ever releasing new functionality (software or hardware wise) on new models. Once they developed a model, they left it and moved on. This created a distinct feeling of abandonment for some Sony users (myself included). My Sony model was perfectly capable of some of the software enhancements they added to later models…
Anyway, I now have a Dell X50v, and if they do not release Win Mobile 2005 for it, then I will be greatly disappointed. It will be huge motivation for me to abandon Dell and attempt to find a company that really does support their products with continued development.
I never said it was a panacea. I merely suggested it. They run a full XP pro OS. So everything is where you’d expect it to be. Much more portable than a laptop. Much more useful than a PDA. Look, if you all you do sync your outlook crap and take notes, then don’t bother. This is something that is for users who require more screen space ,flexibility and who are not smartphone users.
Kon, there are other manufacturers other than Sony. Sorry you had problems. Sony likes “new” said above. They develop, sell, and move on. Even the reviews report less than stellar support from Sony.
Check the flipstart or the Antelope. They both very compact devices with more functionality. Wifi-support?sure!.. you could probably set it up to sync your PDA wirelessly if you wanted to.