The code-named Thunar project, which aims to develop a new file manager for Xfce 4, has had a bunch of discussion on the
mailing list about a possible new name. Xfce developers decided to share some of their favorites with OSNews readers and solicit some feedback.Note: Javascript is required to view and vote in this poll.
“Pathfinder” it should not be because there is already another one with that name in the Mac platform.
“Vagabond” is the name of a WAP browser.
“Nomad” might have problems with Creative.
Karl. Because I like the name.
Names I think would work are more like TrapperKeeper, xffm and Watcher.
Bobby Fisher… get it?? searching for!
All of the XFCE stuff has simple straight forward names. Start breaking that tradition and the flood gates to nonsense names are going to be open.
Xffm is still going to be in XFCE 4.4. This is a NEW, different, secondary FM, aiming to be much simpler and basic.
XF-Filer, like ROX-Filer. All these names suggest that XFCE lacks recognizable identity. They should change the name of the whole project into XFDE (XF Desktop Environment) and stick to the XF prefix.
I chose “Clerk”, although I think “File Clerk” would be better. With a new file manager, XFCE will be truly awesome.
XINN Is Not Nautilus
where X := {A..Z} – {G,K}
How abour Zen
This is just stupid! Benny, Thunar works just fine and fits it perfectly… keep it!
I know that someone already suggested XF-Filer but I feel that
my suggestions are more pronounceable.
To have a decent poll you really need to minimize the number of options you present. There is just far too many to choose from.
I’m with Bannor99, ‘XFiler’ sounds decent.
I voted “suck” cause there was no “xfce file manager” option, and all others, well suck
I tried suggesting “File Forager” or simply “Forager” on the mailing list, but not being a subscriber, it doesn’t look like the mail got through
I thought it’d be good to use the rodent imagery
Think a fieldmouse gathering grain.
Other than that, I like the XINN idea
Name it Trufflehunter. The Narnia movies are coming out in a bit, and they’ll get free publicity that way! Plus it makes sense for an organizer/finder app.
“XINN Is Not Nautilus
where X := {A..Z} – {G,K}”
I like it!
Im partial to FINN myself.
My vote for XFiler. Most SciFi coolness.
I think they’re the best by far, Handler just has a ring to it, I can’t explain..
“Digger” has a slightly obscene ring to it. I like it. Bonus: imagine the possibilities when thinking of mascots!!!
pathfinder is good. I like it
Pronounced “Zefram”. Wait, my Trek node is showing…
Hmmm… I like it even better. Name it Diggler. Dirk for short.
PathFinder already exists, it is the file manager made by Jeroen van der Zijp using his FOX toolkit.
They should call it the xfiles.
How about “Honcho”, as in “Head Honcho”?
Ohh, I’m liking xfiles.
On the other hand, can I express my strong dislike for program names that offer very little clue as to their function?
xfiles is good
..Roamer or Scout..
OK..I’ll stop now.
I first thought “digger is cool”. But somehow voted for “File Digger” and now that I see its the most popular I feel that I’ve waisted my vote. Oh Well. XFce is a great project and have really enjoyed using it on FreeSBIE.
a tribute to explorer.exe
As in, it gets you fast from one point to the next, and it makes your files express themselves. Well, I had to try
XFiles is the best so far, I also thought maybe XFSee.
I think Thunar is still the best option. Besides overall coolness, it has the advantage of high relevancy when googling for the thing. On the other thing, xfiles is a very good pun…
Anything that sounds like it should be followed by “the Barbarian” is an awesome name!
but even a more salient question – do people even use file managers? my feeling is that most unix people do 99% of their “file management” in a terminal.
like xffm2 or mffx
It’s an original name and it sounds quite good. The abovementioned high relevancy when searching with Google is indeed a great asset. Imagine searching for “File Manager”… time wasted.
As in “where the frig did they put that file?” Kind of a cross between digger and xfile. Since most computer nuts love to use initials , you could see 4F (Friggin Fast File Finder)or Freaky Fast File Finder. Better than Beagel. How about XLab, or PoodleX ? Yuk, gotta cut back on the coffee!
I voted for Thunar but i also like XFiles ALOT … it just fits in with the naming of all the other XFCE stuff.
Well, it’s a better name than most of those in the poll
I did vote for Thunar however, but XFiles is also a cool name.
And I do want a decent filemanager as I only do about 50% of my filemanagement in a terminal, I’m hoping Thunar will better suit me than ROX once it’s finished.
Xfiles is good
Thunar File Manager
anyway IMHO they all suck
Why a new file manager? What’s wrong with ROX filer?
From an HCI point of view, only something like File Manager of XFCE File Manager seem reasonable
Can you be a little more specific? Doing a “modern version” of xffm doesn’t make much sense to me (at least if it won’t offer the possibility to split a window, like Konqueror does).
The mascot is a “mouse”. So, the mouse that roared…
ROAR: Rapid Omnipresent Access and Retrieval
Thunar is simply horrible. It seems the name of a barbarian, or of some oozing alien race from Pluto. It sucks.
I voted for Pathfinder because it is both straightforward and lightly humorous. Someone stated this name can be already in use. If this is the case, well, stick with something like xffm or xfiles or anything simple, straightforward that begins with XF.
all of the proposed names suck
Wouldn’t calling it X-files present a legal problem?
I prefer XF-seeker or XF-ceeker.
…and remeber that Walter should not be used too because it was used for Haiku before… ;]
…But seriously… I didn’t get too excited about all this names… some of they are not so bad… but we’re selecting a name to this project with some care, what about take a look in these options and their legal aplications… (of course a /true/ original name should be better, but at least lets see if there’s no legal problems with the name before actually using it!)
XF-Filer sounds good…not so hot on Xfiler cause I think that would cause confusion with <new> people thinking it has to do with “X” itself.
and his suggestion for xfce to be xfde is good to. Making sense is not a bad thing as OSS seems to get outhand with naming of projects and what not. I mean, I as a geek am cool with it but not everyone is a scifi geek or a geek in general
Whatever name will be choosen, I suggest to keep the XF prefix. Doesn’t really matter if that’s XF Filer, XF Digger, or XF Finder. Althought the other names may sound a little bit strange with an XF prefix.
Voted for Cabinet. Think it’s the most recogniseable and nice name of them.
“…most unix people do 99% of their “file management” in a terminal.”
Which is why we need a new file manager – one that enables users to do all their file managing, including sylinks (relative and absolute), pattern matching, compound commands and such; and wich does so in such a way that it is /less/ work than the command line. This doesn’t yet exist (to my knowledge) and I doubt it ever will.
If this is such a program, call it “File Manager” because you won’t need anything else.
X for Linux
F for file
and Leader
Because a file leader is , like the dictionnairy says …
File leader, the soldier at the front of any file, who
covers and leads those in rear of him.
so its not only managing the file but its protecting and
showing them to the users.
Seeya !!!
I voted Cabinet, it is something I could relate when I need to look for files. If I use XFCE for the first time and see the app named Cabinet I would definitely think it’s the file manager.
In that case you could just name them File Manager or similar, but I think that’s too generic and sounds lazy in a way.
Look what we have now:
Finder (Mac) – Sounds right, “need a file, find it!”
Explorer (Windows) – Sounds right, maybe just a bit too wide, more appropriate for Internet browsing
Nautilus (Gnome) – Sounds OK, for a scuba diver maybe, nothing to do with coumputers.
Konqueror (KDE) – While the app is OK, you have no idea what’s all about until you click on it.
Cabinet (XFCE) – Probably the best and most appropriate name for a file manager I have ever heard
Cheers guys, and think of us, the endusers, when you choose the name
would have gotten my vote if it was in the poll (there were so many choices, maybe it was in the poll and I missed it?).
Dont like Cabinet …
In french it is where you go for your needs !!!
Yerk !!!
Explorer (Windows) – Sounds right, maybe just a bit too wide, more appropriate for Internet browsing
Konqueror (KDE) – While the app is OK, you have no idea what’s all about until you click on it.
[KC]onquering is just one step further than Exploring. Hence the name, I think.
I like “clerk”, but the one that gets chosen should be easy to type. please.
XFiler gets my vote too
I like XFDigger, it just sounds right. It’s not to plain but still keeps the general XFCE naming scheme. Plus, Digger some what implies a file-manager.
Konqueror (KDE) – While the app is OK, you have no idea what’s all about until you click on it.
So now, you not even require to build and design and name software environments for people who arent highly proficient at computers, like it was trendy for a time when HIGshit was introduced, but to accomodate them to people who actually _never_ used a computer, or a special desktop environment?
Call me arrogant, but I dont think that anybody who cannot remember the name or the icon of the app he/she will use the most on his computer for the years to come, actually has the brains to make anything useful of a computer besides playing solitaire, if he/she even manages to find out and remember what the name solitaire stands for and how to play it.
How about mighty mouse?
Tiffany, Heather, Cody, Dylan, Dermott, Jordan, Taylor, Brittany, Wesley, Rumer, Scout, Cassidy, Zoe, Chloe, Max, Hunter, Kendal, Katlin, Noah, Sasha, Morgan, Kira, Ian, Lauren, Q-bert, Phil
Would “Noah” support ARK compression, and keep automatic backups so that there are two of each file?
As many have said so-far, had XFiles been an option, I’d have chosen that.
Yes, and it will have flowers and pink easter bunnies! I feel pretty!!! Oh so pretty!!!
Just use “XFile”
Drop the “r” off “Xfiler” and say to heck with that old Fox TV show.
“XFile” would be perfect. Simple, short and carries the “XF” of XFCE in it.
so there.
Admiral, I assume you’re joking. “xffm2 or mffx”? How are those simple? Simple to type in? I’d rather have simple to remember. They just don’t roll off the tongue. “Ex eff eff emm too”… the whole UNIX unpronounceable acronym cliche has got to stop (dear Lord please make it stop). It should be easy to remember and easier to pronounce.
The XFce guys *should* be thinking of a better name for XFce. It isn’t very memorable. Change it to “X-Force” or something. Seriously… why all of these projects have such forgettable names is beyond me. They can name them whatever they want, but if they want potential new users to remember their project, a better name would help.
Just so it’s out in the open. The company I work for has a commercial application based on Linux, it’s called “Conductor”.
It might be best to avoid that name, I can’t imagine we’d be too annoyed if Thunar did end up being called that, but it’s probably not worth the hassle on either side of the coin.
Just want to tell you that skipper means sailor in danish, actual “papay the sailor” is kalled “Skipper Skræk”…
A wird name for a file manager, but great fun
XFfm sounds good to me. Short, concise, yet descriptive.
Barring that, I vote for calling it Shirley.
I think Rover is best choice. I don’t think it’s used any where else (unlike pathfinder) and the name is related to the task. something like Mars Rover. where Rover can help you discover things on your hard drive
I like it, XFile, simple yet affordable. Not too shabby, a bird in the hand… (if you know what i mean) Dashing, Fun, easy to remember, and unlike anything else ( except that old TV show, But who gives a crap.) XFILE RULES!!!!!! Go to It rules!!!
I really like: megaman, you know
Like mega manager. That would be cool. or xman. That would be cool too. I like to have man in my name 
explores the depth of your harddrive!!!!
explores the depth of your harddrive!!!!
Well, I should have said a bit more on my suggestion.
XFactor: It sounds like the file manager to be an essential core component of the Desktop. And the pronunciation is forceful and matches the Desktop’s name “XFce”. And the name contains the meaning that it’s gonna make XFce popular with an unexplainable reason (or more like with an mysterious power).
There’s also a pathfinder bundled with the Fox toolkit. Sorry if that’s been said 50 times already, I didn’t read
I say Xfiles is the best by far
they should choose an original name (pathfinder and all that crap is out of the question) but some of them are ‘oh man’ cant even pronounce them … …
i chose skipper sounds best of all those options
digger is kinda rough
and xfiles does sound good but then again remindes me of x-files series, again not original
just my opinion
Since XFce has a mouse for the logo, why not name it after the fastest mouse ever? Speedy. Something like XFSpeedy or SpeedyXF perhaps.
XFile or XFiler are also very good.
I didn’t like any of the ones in the poll, sorry.
I like XF-Filer or what about XFFM.2
XINN is also pretty cool, but I think you should stick to descriptive names. I’m going to go with Filer.
Or any contraction of XFCE Cabinet, like xfcab, would be great.
Xfile(s) sounds good too, and maybe by going the “xfile” road instead of the “xfiles” road, we could prevent some FOX hunting
What about Mouse-Filer ?
A little long, but no confusion with “official” XFce File Manager and still a reference to the Xfce mouse.