You can email us at osnews-crew at osnews dot com. You can also use our news submission form.
For sponsorship information, please read here.
Do you want your voice to be heard? We are accepting articles for publication, such as editorials or software/hardware reviews.
You can also email members of the OSNews crew individually:
David Adams – david
Publisher – (Business, partnership, and advertising-related issues)
Thom Holwerda – thomholwerda
Managing Editor – (General editorial issues and concerns)
Adam Scheinberg – adam
Webmaster – (All site issues and bug reports)
OSNews also enjoys the support of many volunteer contributors and newsgatherers, not to mention the everyday readers who police the comments. Without your support, OSNews would not be possible, and we thank you. If you would like to become more involved in helping OSNews be as good as it can be, please don’t hesitate to contact any of us.
You can also use the form below to contact us…