If you’re a C++ programmer who’s interested in cutting down on development and debugging time, you’ll want to know how to make the most efficient reuse of the code you write. This tutorial explains what a custom class template is, how to define a template in C++, how to instantiate and use template classes, and how to optimize C++ templates for AIX. More tutorials/articles for IBM’s high-end products can be found here.
Custom templates? Yawn. Did that years ago. I can’t believe IBM considers this a worthy topic. Bad IBM, no cookie.
Well you may have done this years ago, but many people are just learing things now. They weren’t around to be doing this years ago. How to do things needs to be shown to people every now and then. If how to do something was once shown say in 1963 even if it hasn’t changed since it’s good to have a review of it since most people wouldn’t have been around for that lesson.
I give IBM 2 cookies
I guess you could be right…