For the past week we hosted a competition for a free Xandros Business Desktop 2.0 box. Our winner is Tony Bourke and his original article “FreeBSD 5.2.1 on SPARC64“.We had a hard time deciding between Tony’s informative article and the upcoming still-waiting-in-our-queue-to-be-published Steve Husted’s Slackware review, Maynard’s Gnome review and Daan Goedkoop’s “Designing the operating system of tomorrow” article (among ~20 entries we received), but Tony’s won extra points because of its originality (there aren’t too many ‘FreeBSD on SPARC’ articles around). Congratulations Tony! We would also like to thank all participants for their submissions!
Please note that we currently host a new competition and this time the prize is really big: ‘Aspire Swatter 2004’ costs 3,000 US dollars! If we judge of the partiticipation on the Xandros competition, we don’t expect more than 5-6 articles to be submited for the Aspire competition because this time we specifically ask submissions for development articles. So if you are a developer, your chance to win is huge! Read here for details.
Well I didn’t win, but I had fun writing my stuff, plus I got some neat comments, so I’m happy. Have fun Tony, I have the trial version and it works exellently.
I wish I had been “on the ball” and started writing sooner.
When the next, interesting, free giveway hits I will finish what I’ve started, and I will win.
Mwhahaha !
Laugh with me !
Mwhahaha !
to the winner!
I guess I have to keep using Mandrake then I hope he’s happy with his prize.
Btw, Eugenia do you tell people if their articles are rejected or do you just keep quiet? Because if you won’t use them then people might want to publish them elsewhere.
They usually are not rejected, but they do get a response from us immediately after we receive their email.
I was asking because the guy who wrote the Xandros review a few days back was kinda surprised that it was published since he though you wouldn’t. And I never got a clear answer about my article either.
So in other words, unless you say otherwise in the first reply you will publish it?
The Xandros review knew it was going to be published. What he didn’t know was where to exactly send it.
> And I never got a clear answer about my article either
Which one was your article exactly? I have a huge backlog here, please email me with the title of your article or the name of the .zip file you sent.
So maybe now we can wait for a review of Xandros in SPARC64?
OK, seriously, congratulations Tony, please keep on!