I feel that if OE had been cancelled it would have hurt Microsoft in the long run. People are wising up to alternatives (though not quite in droves) and with the new Mozilla.org mail client that is being worked on, I believe that a lot of people would have switched to that or something like it when OE became obsolite.
Sure, most people aren’t geeks and don’t know about Mozilla at all, but they have friends who are. Everyone has a ‘geek’ friend who they call for help and slowly but surely they are being turned on to Mozilla and other alternatives.
I’ve turned 5 people on to mozilla in the last 3 months.
If they were clever they would reimpliment OE’s back end storage to take advantage of the newfangled WinFS features, maybe with just enough limitations to make you want to buy Outlook to get around them
And by that I mean the WinFS features of Longhorn, seeing as how they’ve claimed:
a) No more standalone IE
b) OE comes with IE
c) Next major changes to IE will be with Longhorn
If they’re really clever they’ll integrate basic email in Longhorn right into the Explorer shell to show off what the new API’s can do (something like BeOS did), and the provide “OE” on top of that for people used to a traditional email UI.
A lot of people hate OE, but I dig it. Turn off HTML rendering and it’s about as secure as any other email client, and fast too.
I’ve tried other email programs (including, but not limited to Eudora, Pegasus, The Bat, Mozilla Mail, Outlook, etc) and I keep going back to OE. There’s mainly three reasons for this:
a) Speed
b) Integration with Hotmail
c) The feature that allows you to dock the contacts list below the mail folders. I haven’t seen this in any other mail client except Foxmail (which is buggy as hell). I know it’s nit-picking, but I really dig this feature
As for Thunderbird, I might be able to live without Hotmail integration if they can improve the speed to match OE.
I like OE too, but I don’t like how it downloads then deletes email from the server.
I use Mozilla Mail instead because it syncs with the email server and only deletes it from the server if you delete it locally. Of course that is an optional, because you can specify with a check box to delete locally but leave the server unaffected.
I like OE, it does it’s work fine. Also for the same reasons; the speed, the intergration with hotmail and the contacts list is also very nice. Office Outlook is overkill for me, Outlook Express fills my needs.
I haven’t used any other email client lately, so I can’t judge them now, but the last time I tried other clients, for exaple Mozilla Mail, but the speeds just doesn’t do it for me.
And @ John Blink: Outlook Express also has those options you provide, just check the advanced settings of your mail account properties.
Yes, what a waste. I wish I could have the time back I spent reading your comment. People don’t all agree on everything. *SHOCKING NEWS* -unless you aren’t a filthy computer geek, then you might realize there are other people in the world (hint- they don’t use Linux),
This is a funny turn of events. The discussion of the original “cancelling OE” thread caused me to try Mozilla Firebird and Thunderbird which I am not a big fan of. Now OE will be continued.. less at least one user
For what it’s worth though, I think that the end of OE was a non event anyways. MSN Explorer does everything OE did and works much better with Hotmail. There is really no point of having Outlook, Outlook Express, and MSN Explorer covering email in Windows.
When He does it it’s entertaining,but the virus prone POS Outlook Express should just stay down,this piece of software is responsible for spreading more viruses than a $2 prostitute!!!
Could it be that Microsoft caved in under pressure from antivirus software manufacturers? I mean really… that portion of the software industry would have been devastated. Just think of what all the layoffs and bankruptcy filings would do to the current economy. Anything left standing would probably then be outsourced to India. Thank goodness they changed their mind.
I,like alien soldier,tend to do all my email tasks in BeOS,although for the most part the included BeMail app does the job for me quite well,also I use Adam,the old Adamation email client that I picked up on BeShare once,long ago.It does a fairly good job of opening all those fancy-assed html based email messages that my M$ dependant friends insist on sending me.Maybe I should start sending them some GoBe Productive presentations(like the ones you can make with working clocks in them)or the Chess and Go games that Adam has built into it,just to get revenge,hehe.
At least you give OE a chance, though — unlike the other Penguinista Fucktards on this board.
Tsk, tsk. Such language. I though it was pro-OSS people who were supposed to behave badly? I might have to report your to Mr. Enderle. (SofaShark, you reading this?)
Seriously, as a “penguinista” (I like the word, btw – sounds like…victory), I’d be more than happy to give OE for Linux a try – except it isn’t available. And, it has a dismal security record.
I will admit that, when working on Windows machines, OE is indeed fast and simple to use, without any frills. Unfortunately, we use Lotus Notes at my work…
On Linux, I find this speed and simplicity in KMail, which is well integrated into KDE, fast, and easy to use (if lacking a few features – next version is out soon, though, and now it integrates with Kolab, the new PIM suite).
The fact remains, though: MS will not produce productivity and Internet apps for Linux, probably for fear that more people would abandon Windows in favor of the Mighty Penguin. In a sense, they are protecting their quasi-monopoly. That does mean that us penguinistas can’t give OE a chance, because it doesn’t run in Linux (well perhaps it runs under Wine, but that’s rather irrelevant).
Of course it should be afraid of a customer backlash – with the Justice Department’s capitulation to Redmond, they’re the only ones left who have any influence over Microsoft. I don’t think any one ever put that in doubt, even among die-hard pro-OSS advocates…
“Microsoft will continue its innovation around the email experience in Windows.”
I would like to know how one “experiences” email. Its a frigg’in communication tool not some sort of stimulation device.
Where on earth did this whole “you don’t use a [product], you eXPerience it” crap come from. Who ever made it up should be given a public flogging for the shear irritation it brings.
“(…) for spreading more viruses than a $2 prostitute!!!”
You got those kind of viruses out of your computer…? Damn, what do you do with your machine??
Anyway, I don’t really see the point in this. If MS discontinues OE, so what? If they decide to go along, so what? Don’t use it, if you don’t want to.
By the way, I’ve been using OE’s youngest cousin for while now (Outlook 2003) and I must say I’m impressed. Especially the new layout is far superior to any other mail app I’ve ever used… It stopped me from using my long loved Pocomail (was I the last user of that wonderful piece of software??).
I read somewhere on the “OE discontinued” thread that Thunderbird has that layout as well. Can anybody confirm that??
>>>Especially the new layout is far superior to any other mail app I’ve ever used… It stopped me from using my long loved Pocomail (was I the last user of that wonderful piece of software??).
Pocomail just came out with a version 3, that vaults back in front of Outlook with vertical layouts if you want them, all new graphics and buttons, a bunch of new AND more intuitive options, and very innovative “new mail” and “search” features.
I’m not one of those Penguinista Fucktards,I’m a BeOS-ista Fucktard,a whole different breed of Fucktard and Share the average Windoze users dislike of the Linux OS’s unnecesary user unfriendliness and complexity.I too have given OE a fair chance at screwing up this Win Box.It was for a time my only portal to the internet here until I started exploring some alt-OS’s,flirting with Linux and eventually settling upon BeOS as my alt-OS of choice.my teenage daughter continued to use this machine for email and chat until she graduated form school and moved away,I was constantly battling viruses here and the main culprits were OE and the Yahoo chat client.After she moved away This machine never gets used for those tasks,and lo and behold !No viruses!Why? Because I uses BeOS for all my email and chat and just use this machine for graphics work and games,and some lite net browsing(getting to those Java and Flash powered sites that BeOS doesn’t support)I used to use an email program called Popcorn here that would open the email on thew server instead of bringing it here to preview my email and delete anything that looked suspicious.
It’s kinda nice using a ‘dead’ OS that never had enough of a user base for anyone to ever bother writing a virus for.
There’s a certain amount of security in obscurity.
if microsoft stops developing Outlook Express. So other s/w company will replace microsoft email cleint. I bet microsoft wont giveup on anything which is in their hands.
“they’re the only ones left who have any influence over Microsoft”
I think you have it a little backwards.
I respectfully disagree. Though I will admit that MS has done a great job of keeping its customers in something close to a hypnotic trance, ultimately they are still the only one that can have an impact on the company, by stopping to buy its products. Threatening to move to Linux or other OSS solutions has prompted to offer massive discounts, and source-access concerns have given birth to the Shared Source program – which, for all its shortcomings, is still a significant step on the part of the monopolist.
Without going into a flamewar, I’d say the situation is similar to what we see in the U.S. or other Western Democracies: since power ultimately resides in the citizenry, governments must spend a great deal of effort to keep it in the dark, or at least distracted – because they know that ultimately, the people are the ones who can bring them down. You don’t have that situation in dictatorships, as dissidence can simply be crushed (as long as it’s not too widespread).
This is why western democracies, and the U.S. in particular, have the most sophisticated propaganda apparatuses in human history. Meanwhile, in the heyday of the U.S.S.R., nobody really believed what was written in the Pravda, and rather clandestinely listened to western radio stations and passed along western papers. As a dictatorship, the propaganda machine could be cruder – if you didn’t believe it, fine, but don’t say it out loud ’cause it’s a one-way ticket to Siberia!
I like OS X Mail much better than any other client I have used and I have tried Eudora, Pegasus, Outlook, Outlook Express, Netscape Mail, Mozilla Mail, Kmail, Pine, Opera Mail.
Communication problems within the e-mail team? heheh…
“Microsoft will continue its innovation around the email experience in Windows.”
Heh. I love Microsoft-speak. I wonder what it means?
Good for them.
Refer to my comment #1 on the “OE to be dumped” story
“I love Microsoft-speak. I wonder what it means?”
Propagation of Microsoft viruses via Outlook Express will continue. What else could it mean?
Oh no, we have give the Open Sourcerers something to whine about. All hands below deck!
I feel that if OE had been cancelled it would have hurt Microsoft in the long run. People are wising up to alternatives (though not quite in droves) and with the new Mozilla.org mail client that is being worked on, I believe that a lot of people would have switched to that or something like it when OE became obsolite.
Sure, most people aren’t geeks and don’t know about Mozilla at all, but they have friends who are. Everyone has a ‘geek’ friend who they call for help and slowly but surely they are being turned on to Mozilla and other alternatives.
I’ve turned 5 people on to mozilla in the last 3 months.
I guess ti was too much good news for one week.
Did it really take more than a week to write that pieceofshit program?!?!?!?!???
If they were clever they would reimpliment OE’s back end storage to take advantage of the newfangled WinFS features, maybe with just enough limitations to make you want to buy Outlook to get around them
And by that I mean the WinFS features of Longhorn, seeing as how they’ve claimed:
a) No more standalone IE
b) OE comes with IE
c) Next major changes to IE will be with Longhorn
If they’re really clever they’ll integrate basic email in Longhorn right into the Explorer shell to show off what the new API’s can do (something like BeOS did), and the provide “OE” on top of that for people used to a traditional email UI.
“Propagation of Microsoft viruses via Outlook Express will continue. What else could it mean?”
But Microsoft isn’t in the antivirus business! Oh, wait…
A lot of people hate OE, but I dig it. Turn off HTML rendering and it’s about as secure as any other email client, and fast too.
I’ve tried other email programs (including, but not limited to Eudora, Pegasus, The Bat, Mozilla Mail, Outlook, etc) and I keep going back to OE. There’s mainly three reasons for this:
a) Speed
b) Integration with Hotmail
c) The feature that allows you to dock the contacts list below the mail folders. I haven’t seen this in any other mail client except Foxmail (which is buggy as hell). I know it’s nit-picking, but I really dig this feature
As for Thunderbird, I might be able to live without Hotmail integration if they can improve the speed to match OE.
This site keeps getting worse and worse. Don’t waste bandwidth, M$ ass lickers.
Speed? what speed, starting up of fetching mail?
Mutt is 400% faster at starting up and fetches mail 600% faster.
You must try it!
I like OE too, but I don’t like how it downloads then deletes email from the server.
I use Mozilla Mail instead because it syncs with the email server and only deletes it from the server if you delete it locally. Of course that is an optional, because you can specify with a check box to delete locally but leave the server unaffected.
Cool huh.
I agree with Darius.
I like OE, it does it’s work fine. Also for the same reasons; the speed, the intergration with hotmail and the contacts list is also very nice. Office Outlook is overkill for me, Outlook Express fills my needs.
I haven’t used any other email client lately, so I can’t judge them now, but the last time I tried other clients, for exaple Mozilla Mail, but the speeds just doesn’t do it for me.
And @ John Blink: Outlook Express also has those options you provide, just check the advanced settings of your mail account properties.
i accord that quality to MDR (mail daemon replacement) on BeOS … THAT is innovative.
Yes the world should take a step backwards. Things were so much more intuitive in the pre-WordPerfect 6 era with keyboard shortcuts instead of menus.
Yes, what a waste. I wish I could have the time back I spent reading your comment. People don’t all agree on everything. *SHOCKING NEWS* -unless you aren’t a filthy computer geek, then you might realize there are other people in the world (hint- they don’t use Linux),
I like OE too, but I don’t like how it downloads then deletes email from the server
You can make OE not delete messages –
Tools > accounts > mail tab > your mail account properties > ‘advanced’ tab
Select “Leave a copy of messages on server”
you can even delete the messages on the app and server by checking “Remove from server when deleted from ‘deletd items’ ”
so this is not a point to not use OE you just have to dig deeper on OE …
Good thing they will keep OE instead of discontinuing it but there isn’t much more to do.
This is a funny turn of events. The discussion of the original “cancelling OE” thread caused me to try Mozilla Firebird and Thunderbird which I am not a big fan of. Now OE will be continued.. less at least one user
For what it’s worth though, I think that the end of OE was a non event anyways. MSN Explorer does everything OE did and works much better with Hotmail. There is really no point of having Outlook, Outlook Express, and MSN Explorer covering email in Windows.
When He does it it’s entertaining,but the virus prone POS Outlook Express should just stay down,this piece of software is responsible for spreading more viruses than a $2 prostitute!!!
Could it be that Microsoft caved in under pressure from antivirus software manufacturers? I mean really… that portion of the software industry would have been devastated. Just think of what all the layoffs and bankruptcy filings would do to the current economy. Anything left standing would probably then be outsourced to India. Thank goodness they changed their mind.
I,like alien soldier,tend to do all my email tasks in BeOS,although for the most part the included BeMail app does the job for me quite well,also I use Adam,the old Adamation email client that I picked up on BeShare once,long ago.It does a fairly good job of opening all those fancy-assed html based email messages that my M$ dependant friends insist on sending me.Maybe I should start sending them some GoBe Productive presentations(like the ones you can make with working clocks in them)or the Chess and Go games that Adam has built into it,just to get revenge,hehe.
Do a seach for HOTApoc. A ‘very cool’ applet that lets me get my several Hotmail accounts using Mozilla Mail.
I’m trying it — and liking it a lot.
30 day free trial, $10 to buy.
What’s not to like?
for the advice about how to keep deleted messages on the server. I don’t know why I never found that.
Good point, without the TYPHOID MARY of software a lot of anti-vitus software would be useless!
// I don’t know why I never found that. //
You weren’t looking very hard. It’s quite easy to see.
At least you give OE a chance, though — unlike the other Penguinista Fucktards on this board.
Oh no, we have give the Open Sourcerers something to whine about. All hands below deck!
You mean laugh about…
At least you give OE a chance, though — unlike the other Penguinista Fucktards on this board.
Tsk, tsk. Such language. I though it was pro-OSS people who were supposed to behave badly? I might have to report your to Mr. Enderle. (SofaShark, you reading this?)
Seriously, as a “penguinista” (I like the word, btw – sounds like…victory), I’d be more than happy to give OE for Linux a try – except it isn’t available. And, it has a dismal security record.
I will admit that, when working on Windows machines, OE is indeed fast and simple to use, without any frills. Unfortunately, we use Lotus Notes at my work…
On Linux, I find this speed and simplicity in KMail, which is well integrated into KDE, fast, and easy to use (if lacking a few features – next version is out soon, though, and now it integrates with Kolab, the new PIM suite).
The fact remains, though: MS will not produce productivity and Internet apps for Linux, probably for fear that more people would abandon Windows in favor of the Mighty Penguin. In a sense, they are protecting their quasi-monopoly. That does mean that us penguinistas can’t give OE a chance, because it doesn’t run in Linux (well perhaps it runs under Wine, but that’s rather irrelevant).
So much for the theory that the monopoly can do whatever they like without fear of a backfire amongst their customers…
Of course it should be afraid of a customer backlash – with the Justice Department’s capitulation to Redmond, they’re the only ones left who have any influence over Microsoft. I don’t think any one ever put that in doubt, even among die-hard pro-OSS advocates…
“Microsoft will continue its innovation around the email experience in Windows.”
I would like to know how one “experiences” email. Its a frigg’in communication tool not some sort of stimulation device.
Where on earth did this whole “you don’t use a [product], you eXPerience it” crap come from. Who ever made it up should be given a public flogging for the shear irritation it brings.
“…”Microsoft will continue its innovation around the email experience in Windows.”
Why every time Microsoft speaks, they use the word innovation?
I really hoped we’d get rid of said so called “software”.
“Leach blamed communication problems for the confusion.”
Aren’t they using either MS Outlook or Exchange Server to communicate with their own colleagues ? Just kidding
“(…) for spreading more viruses than a $2 prostitute!!!”
You got those kind of viruses out of your computer…? Damn, what do you do with your machine??
Anyway, I don’t really see the point in this. If MS discontinues OE, so what? If they decide to go along, so what? Don’t use it, if you don’t want to.
By the way, I’ve been using OE’s youngest cousin for while now (Outlook 2003) and I must say I’m impressed. Especially the new layout is far superior to any other mail app I’ve ever used… It stopped me from using my long loved Pocomail (was I the last user of that wonderful piece of software??).
I read somewhere on the “OE discontinued” thread that Thunderbird has that layout as well. Can anybody confirm that??
>>>Especially the new layout is far superior to any other mail app I’ve ever used… It stopped me from using my long loved Pocomail (was I the last user of that wonderful piece of software??).
Pocomail just came out with a version 3, that vaults back in front of Outlook with vertical layouts if you want them, all new graphics and buttons, a bunch of new AND more intuitive options, and very innovative “new mail” and “search” features.
its very simple, and its already there. why i bother with other mail app?
Wow, thanks, I hadn’t checked their website for a while.
Pocomail and I decided to give it another go, maybe it’ll be as in the old (pre-Outlook 2003) days!
I’m not one of those Penguinista Fucktards,I’m a BeOS-ista Fucktard,a whole different breed of Fucktard and Share the average Windoze users dislike of the Linux OS’s unnecesary user unfriendliness and complexity.I too have given OE a fair chance at screwing up this Win Box.It was for a time my only portal to the internet here until I started exploring some alt-OS’s,flirting with Linux and eventually settling upon BeOS as my alt-OS of choice.my teenage daughter continued to use this machine for email and chat until she graduated form school and moved away,I was constantly battling viruses here and the main culprits were OE and the Yahoo chat client.After she moved away This machine never gets used for those tasks,and lo and behold !No viruses!Why? Because I uses BeOS for all my email and chat and just use this machine for graphics work and games,and some lite net browsing(getting to those Java and Flash powered sites that BeOS doesn’t support)I used to use an email program called Popcorn here that would open the email on thew server instead of bringing it here to preview my email and delete anything that looked suspicious.
It’s kinda nice using a ‘dead’ OS that never had enough of a user base for anyone to ever bother writing a virus for.
There’s a certain amount of security in obscurity.
“they’re the only ones left who have any influence over Microsoft”
I think you have it a little backwards.
“Why every time Microsoft speaks, they use the word innovation?”
Uh, basically, because they want you to believe it’s something they do.
if microsoft stops developing Outlook Express. So other s/w company will replace microsoft email cleint. I bet microsoft wont giveup on anything which is in their hands.
‘the situation has changed’
“oh shit.. people found out about our evil plans, shit to deny mode #7”
“they’re the only ones left who have any influence over Microsoft”
I think you have it a little backwards.
I respectfully disagree. Though I will admit that MS has done a great job of keeping its customers in something close to a hypnotic trance, ultimately they are still the only one that can have an impact on the company, by stopping to buy its products. Threatening to move to Linux or other OSS solutions has prompted to offer massive discounts, and source-access concerns have given birth to the Shared Source program – which, for all its shortcomings, is still a significant step on the part of the monopolist.
Without going into a flamewar, I’d say the situation is similar to what we see in the U.S. or other Western Democracies: since power ultimately resides in the citizenry, governments must spend a great deal of effort to keep it in the dark, or at least distracted – because they know that ultimately, the people are the ones who can bring them down. You don’t have that situation in dictatorships, as dissidence can simply be crushed (as long as it’s not too widespread).
This is why western democracies, and the U.S. in particular, have the most sophisticated propaganda apparatuses in human history. Meanwhile, in the heyday of the U.S.S.R., nobody really believed what was written in the Pravda, and rather clandestinely listened to western radio stations and passed along western papers. As a dictatorship, the propaganda machine could be cruder – if you didn’t believe it, fine, but don’t say it out loud ’cause it’s a one-way ticket to Siberia!
“Mutt is 400% faster at starting up and fetches mail 600% faster.”
Yes. And most users want an email client that cannot display RTF, HTML, or images… NOT
“its very simple, and its already there. why i bother with other mail app?”
Cuz like, you have to stick it to the “man” (bill gates) or like, you aren’t “cool”. Mmmk? You want to be “cool”, don’t you?
I like OS X Mail much better than any other client I have used and I have tried Eudora, Pegasus, Outlook, Outlook Express, Netscape Mail, Mozilla Mail, Kmail, Pine, Opera Mail.