“Antivirus products could let hackers hijack computers”

Symantec and Norton are among the most popular security tools, but the U.S. Department of Homeland Security warns of critical flaws that could pose great risks.

A slew of corporate, government and personal computers are protected by Symantec, but are they really protected? Homeland Security believes there’s reason to worry, and has issued a warning this week.

“Symantec and Norton branded antivirus products contain multiple vulnerabilities. Some of these products are in widespread use throughout government and industry,” notes the alert. “Exploitation of these vulnerabilities could allow a remote attacker to take control of an affected system.”

My deep dislike and mistrust for antivirus peddlers and their shady business practices are known around these parts, so none of this obviously surprises me in the slightest. These are companies fooling otherwise fantastic websites like Ars Technica into publishing FUD articles about OS X/iOS/Android/Linux/BeOS/MULTICS eating all your documents and murdering your firstborn unlessyoubuytheirproductswhichareototallynotresourcehogsandreallyarentuselesspiecesofjunk, so I’m not surprised their products are insecure.

Since I’m anything but oblivious to the irony of posting this story (in fact, it’s one of the prime reasons to post this), be sure to read the source note from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to make up your own mind.


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