Microsoft’s CEO Steve Ballmer has officially confirmed today, during a developer conference in Tokyo, that the next version of Windows will be called Windows 8 and will debut in 2012. More details on Windows 8 could emerge at the upcoming D: All Things Digital conference, where Steven Sinofsky, president of the Windows division of Microsoft, is scheduled to “talk about the future of Windows in the era of all kinds of new devices and the cloud”.
Is this what will bring about the apocalypse?
I can think of lesser reasons jump start it…
The Apocalypse will coincide with the release Wind0wz 8. Ballmer always reminds me of a really hokey bozo the clown.. very outdated and never amusing. ;P
I guess we will see them in 2012. I wonder what the price range will be and how many manufacturers will build Windows tablets.
By that time, Ubuntu 12.04 will be already released.
and what will that offer? and will it ever have more users than Windows 8 after both are available for lets say….a week
(^^a yummy treat for the troll)
Edited 2011-05-25 03:37 UTC
Yep, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, Masturbating Monkey will already be released by the time Windows 8 will be on the shelves.
Hooray! We can all install Ubuntu to play Tetris, browse the web from time to time when the interface is up, congratulate each other on forums about the smart choice we made using FOSS, post insulting things about MS and Windows on Osnews, enjoy the total terminal sexiness and the overall FOSS goodness.
Did my comment hurt you personaly? What is so hurting in my comment? Have I been insulting about windows?
Tell us, btw, how can one be insulting a piece of software?
please answer or go back playing minesweeper while your disks are being defragmented ๐
Geez, Windows 7 can’t handle more than one task. Sadly, I have to wait for defragmentation until I will be able to enjoy minesweeper.