Episode 29: Warranty Void

Back by popular demand, Tess joins the show again and we are also greeted by another guest–William, a friend who has a lot more charm and wit than the angry crocodile in the room with a grudge against everything. Topics covered include: Chrome OS, Bing / Google, The GIMP, Siverlight or standards, and voiding warranties.

Here’s how the audio file breaks down:

0:00:30 Intro
0:03:36 “Chrome OS”
0:28:12 “Bing / Google”
0:37:57 “GIMP”
0:51:07 “Silverlight, Standards”
0:56:57 “Voiding Warranties”
1:17:02 Meta
1:19:46 (Total Time)

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[podcast 29]

The intro / intermission and outro music is a Commodore 64 remix “Turrican 2 – The Final Fight” by Daree Rock.

We genuinely hope that you enjoy the show, and that we’ve managed to bring up original points in our discussion. Do follow up what you picked up on in your comments!

We are always open to your feedback. Please either leave your comments on the site, or send us an email to [email protected].


  1. 2009-11-30 11:40 am
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